Anyone ready to ring in the new year...and lose weight/get fit?

Bunging is just an expression - sorry - it just means putting it on!!!
- it sounds good anyhow even though I don;t know what you made or what it was supposed to be?
I actually think about quite a bit. you got us all in a frazzle!
I think chocolate milk is a good food. Chocolate is good for you and milk is good for you. It is nutrition versus empty calories. If you plan on cutting something out completely, cut out the sodas.
Muscle needs calcium to work properly. go to low fat or fat free milk. but please do not stop drinking milk. When I did that, my body stopped producing the enzyme needed to break down the milk sugar. now I miss a tall cool glass of milk.
Bunging is just an expression - sorry - it just means putting it on!!!
- it sounds good anyhow even though I don;t know what you made or what it was supposed to be?

Popovers are an eggy "bread" that are crunchy on the outside and soft and steamy on the inside, they rise during baking to the point of being hollow in the inside, they are cooked in pans similar to muffin tins. They can be made to be savory w/ meat stuffings, but I prefer a breakfast, sweet type that is slathered in butter and jam.

The orange spun honey is a flavored honey that is whipped w/ air until it becomes more the texture of margirine only w/ lots of air, don't really know much about it it was a gift from a bee keeper that makes it.
I actually think about quite a bit. you got us all in a frazzle!
I think chocolate milk is a good food. Chocolate is good for you and milk is good for you. It is nutrition versus empty calories. If you plan on cutting something out completely, cut out the sodas.
Muscle needs calcium to work properly. go to low fat or fat free milk. but please do not stop drinking milk. When I did that, my body stopped producing the enzyme needed to break down the milk sugar. now I miss a tall cool glass of milk.

LOL thats gotta be a good thing!
Chocolate milk isn't too bad of a food, I just drank it in excess. Like about 2 16 oz. glasses a day, sometimes 3. Each glass is about 300-400 calories, so it wasn't good for my weight. I still drink at least 8 oz. of white milk at dinner, and sometimes an 8 oz. glass of chocolate milk but that's rare. We usually use 2%, but right now we're stuck on whole milk because we use some of it to feed the goat kids [6 kids on 2 goat's amounts of milk isn't quite enough], but we'll eventually switch back!
Okay tonight I need to repeat my portion control mantra, even though I'm not going to listen to myself. I am making Jacob's Guile for supper. It is very healthy, but has many carbs (good carbs though) and I will eat it until it is gone or I explode!!! Oh well, today was weigh in day and I won't have to face the scale for another week
Here is the non GF version of the popover recipe

6 tbsp melted butter
6 eggs
2 c milk (cow, soy, nut doesn't matter)
2 c flour
1 teas salt

combine all ingred in blender or mixer
grease well either 2 1/2 inch muffin tin (12 muffins) or 8 7 oz custard cups
bake in 375' oven (that was preheated) for 1 hr if large, 50 min if muffin size, then remove place small slit in side of popover to release steam place back in oven for 10 min.
remove and eat while hot

plenty of butter and jam, syrup, honey whatever you like.

For those of you who have never eaten popovers, your life will never be the same!
Oh poop! I tried my first pop over recipe for the pillsbury contest actually... they popped up good, but I wasn't so impressed so I never entered them into the recipe contest as a final recipe to try.

Don't give up though, I bet you'll get 'em!

I would say I'm feeling better today, but I'm not. I'm still drained and spending way too much time in the bathroom. Even worse, my 4 year old has it now.
She's miserable and had a few accidents... but she's still full of energy, and won't slow down! I love her.

And... I've lost another lb today putting me at 149. Didn't plan to break the 150 mark like this though.
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Oh poop! I tried my first pop over recipe for the pillsbury contest actually... they popped up good, but I wasn't so impressed so I never entered them into the recipe contest as a final recipe to try.

Don't give up though, I bet you'll get 'em!

I would say I'm feeling better today, but I'm not. I'm still drained and spending way too much time in the bathroom. Even worse, my 4 year old has it now.
She's miserable and had a few accidents... but she's still full of energy, and won't slow down! I love her.

And... I've lost another lb today putting me at 149. Didn't plan to break the 150 mark like this though.

I've made them many times, usually they pop for me, don't know what happened today, I substituted a different GF flour for part, but it was one of the very low amounts of flour, that may have been the problem.

I did over do it on the Jacob's Guile tonight, but the only real bad part is the huge amount of carbs (but all from lentil and brown rice)

Sorry you aren't feeling any better, and have to take care of a sick child while not feeling well. It is a hard way to lose and the worst part is it is usually all gained right back when you start eating again. Stay hydrated though.
Still sticking to my little diet/exercise routine. I have to. I can feel my stomach aching from the sit-ups, and I want to start doing push-ups too. My arms are a bit flabby. I'm not eating this evening, and I hope to lose about 15 pounds in 6 weeks.
No! NO! NO! says the woman who remembers doing EXACTLY the same thing you are doing right now.
I lost weight got fit, got tan, looked great, fit in those painter's pants that only a pencil could fit into...and then I passed out going up the stairs.
Eat dinner. just fill up on low calorie options. Your brain needs fuel to keep going. It will eat your own muscle to get it. Not eating the proper nutrients will work against you. You can not burn fat with out having a fire started first. Think of food as kindling to get that energy started to burn the fat.
Even vitamins are only catalysts. they will not work if you do not have the nutrition for them to work on.
Trust me.

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