Anyone ready to ring in the new year...and lose weight/get fit?

what is hcg kassaundra?

hCG is the hormone that pregnacy tests, test for. You either take drops or injections (I did drops) and a 500 cal a day diet, drink lots o'water. The food alotted for the day is basically, 2 3.5 oz servings of a lean meat, 2 1/2 cup servings of veggie (broc, aspar, greens, cukes etc..) two medium fruits and two pieces of melba toast per day. I think there is some tea or coffee allowed (I don't drink it so don't remember) The drops are supose to keep you from being hungry by causing your body to release stored fat as energy more effectively. After the first few days you really aren't that hungry. You can look it up online it is all over the internet. I have done 1 4 wk round lost 18 lbs (plus an extra 2 off the hcg) and 13 inches and kept it off for the 5 wks following. I know personally about 12 people at work who have done it, no one has been hurt about half have kept the weight off (those that have made real changes to their eating habits and exersice plans long term) several never stuck to the plan and several went back to eating like before. This has been used in europe for over 40 years inpatient. It isn't for everyone like any other plan isn't. One work mate has lost over 120 lbs in the past year w/ it, others have lost 20-40. It isn't magic it requires effort and work, and continued effort to keep it off.
hi am back and ready to start again.. ugh between my brothers death and my mother 1000 miles away and ill i have eaten and eaten so back to square one.. my mom fell for the second time and lay there for 2 days before her neighbors checked on her.. she was taken to the hospital again because she couldn't get up off the floor. the only thing they could figure out was the change in her medications.. she has started to get insulin shots and they think her sugar was too low. so she called me about 3 weeks ago and has decided it is time that she moves here to new york with us.. i am excited, if you remember i had a hard time not forcing her to move here. she came to the decision she needs me to take care of her and i don't mind at all. so trying to get an estate sale going for her, she has her own home, and getting the house listed, and movers set up has taken its toll on all of us. but she should be here by the 1st of june. we have been fixing the house for her.. handicap bar in her bathroom etc. so i restarted my diet and better eating yesterday. since she will be here i will eat what i fix her to eat. healthy lol no more danish, loaded baked potatoes and all the other goodies we eat.. so wish me luck and sorry i haven't been around to support you all.... going to weigh in.. so take care and have a great day!!!! linda
Bless your heart Wild.... I wish you the best
My weigh in was the same this week, life interferred w/ my plans. I have been exercising this week, yard, garden, and yoga. Still haven't got the walking in the routine, unless you count while walking behind a mower. But I am resumming what I affectionately call my jihad on fat cells this week so my next weigh in ought to have some movement in the right direction. Hope everyone has a great day and a successful week.
Well I am still trudging along now I am well again (little one got sick right after me), hubby has been working non-stop and then I got lots of orders all at once for my business... plus the garden is in full swing and I'm trying to get everything out and growing, while harvesting my spring things that are done. Busy busy busy... I literally fell out yesterday laying on the floor after work when I picked up my daughter. I ate some left over mushrooms and chicken from the night before and then just dozed off. I don't think I'm getting enough sleep for all the hours I'm putting in to try to keep up with life.

I did gain some of the weight I lost, while I was sick, back. Not a lot though. I'm 150 right now, I got all the way down to 148 while I had the stomach thing. So I have officially lost 30lbs, only 10 to go to meet goal.

As a treat I went to the thrift shop and bought 6 new medium size tops (and one small it ran big) and a size 9 pair of khakis!
It felt GREAT! All my 12s don't fit anymore without a belt, and even some of my 10s are a big saggy. I am able to wear some 10s fine, the 9s and I have one sz 8 skirt that looks fantastic. To think I was wearing a sz15 last summer is just insane! Best part, I'm not hungry... EVER. I just chose to eat right, and then I can have treats and splurge on ice cream and stuff now and then. Long as I don't eat late, and stop skipping breakfast I'm on track!

I like to think this has been the most successful thing I've done
I used to think it was when I quit smoking, but as I started back again after Christmas.... that is the next thing I have to STOP!
Well its DHs Birthday tomorrow and our lovely son is taking us for dinner. He already ordered!!!!! - Ahhhhhh !!!!! Maga surf and turf for DH 30lbs he says?????? For a guy with heart failure??? - Also he got me ordered a large lobster - ???? I am quite worried I wont be able to get through the shell!!!! - Isn;t it fun having a son with Brain injury bit like Forest Gump - " you never know what your gonna get!!!"

Isn't it amazing to read about what goes on in our lives??? There's always something isn't there? It's no wonder it's a struggle to be consistent with anything. I think everyone is doing a great job!! Just the fact that were trying and building each other up is a testament to our desire to be healthier.
vfem you have still lost tons of weight and to keep it off is tough!!!! i am glad to see there are still people i started with in here .. it is encouraging. oesdog with that hubby of yours you don't stand a chance lol. tonight is the first time i have tried eating a boneless, skinless, chicken breast. i can't believe i have never tried it.. i marinated it in italian dressing all day and grilled. not bad at all.. i am so used to dressing up everything, that to eat simple is a new thing for me. don't get me wrong i cook boneless chicken breasts.. with honey mustard, curry power, or maybe soy sauces honey and ginger. but never really plain. well good luck to all. linda
A friend of mine is a physical therapist. I dog sit for her when she is off on seminars. The last seminar she learned some sort of thoracic release method that she used on me last night. It is very small, hardly noticeable movements along the sternum.
I slept all night. My shoulders are back, my posture is normal. I am in 90% less pain than I have been in in 4 years. (don't squat and lift cement pavers with your arms extended. bad things happen) but I have not felt so rested in so long. The bronchitis aggravated the old problem and I have not had energy for months. I was awake and up and doing things at 5:00am and now I am off for a walk.
I hope I can start moving some of this weight again. I have been trying, but maybe the herculean effort I was making was smaller than normal effort without the pain, so I thought I was doing more than I was.
I just hate watching everything I eat, trying to exercise, and being so dog tired...and still gain weight. It came off so easily when I started. Then the stuff I gained back refuses to budge.
Maybe sleep will make a difference.
I slept so well. no arm pain, no leg pain, no sternum or rib pain. I feel young again. I hope I don't mess it back up.
I am ...

I hope the weight will move now. that should make me feel better too, carrying 30 extra pounds around all the time must be tiring also.

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