Apple cider vinegar


8 Years
May 24, 2011
I have seen on BYC that it is often recommended to give your chickens acv. If it doesn't have the mother in it and is from the grocery store does it have any benefits in it? Would it have benefits just not like the kind with the mother?
Forget processed vinegar from the store as it lacks minerals, electrolytes with proteins, etc. That white bottled/clear stuff at the store is basically without any nutritional value.
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I haven't been able to find acv with the mother yet. One feed store I called said "you get that at the grocery store". Okay thanks. I will keep looking.
I didn't think about Vitamin Shoppe! We have one close by. I will go there tomorrow. Thank you!
We use it for our flock. Started using it when I had nine new (2011) spring chicks come down with pasty butt. Googled for a solution, found this site and the suggestions for ACV. Made a true believer out of me then! If I forgot to add the ACV (we buy the organic unpasteurized stuff) then the pasty butt reappeared in the same exact nine chicks it started in. As long as I kept in in their water? I had no problems! I find ours in our local Fred Meyers or any health store that carries organic produce/products (i.e. Trader Joes or similar). Walmart's doesn't have it (at least ours doesn't!) and neither does Safeway (which I find odd since they tend to carry a lot of other organic products).

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