April 2010 Pullets- wanna wait with me?

I have 2 white, 2 blue, and 1 black. Large Fowl, and they are between 5 1/2 to 6 month old.

here is a picture from last month of them.

Nice looking girls, love the blue! Still no eggs from my Fav girls yet.

Here are my 2 Salmon Favs:

Mahogany Fav:

Salmon Fav Rooster:

Chic-Zebo Girl,

I really like the Mahogany color, where did you get that color from?
they look almost ready going by the color of there combs.
One more April 2010 first time chicken owner to scratch off the waiting list(well at least for 1 of 6 chickens). My first egg was laid TODAY! The only real sign I had that they were close was the straw in the nest box was scratched into a bowl shape rather than flat layer. Around lunchtime today I heard a longer than usual "awwwww .. awwwwww" sound about an hour or two before I found the egg.

The egg was from 1 of 2 of my 23 week old Barred Rocks. Waiting on the 4 Easter Eggers and other BR still! :O) So happy, I was jumping around like Rocky at the top of the steps and yelling a quiet(since the kids were napping) YIPPEE and WHOO-HOOOOO!

Laid most likely by this girl;

Mine are end of april maybe even the beginning of may.

My RIRs are starting to get combs and waddles. The EE'ers just look so cute with their beards it's hard for me not to play with them exclusively. My BRs are getting nice and chubby, but the wyn-dotters look very very plumpy. When the wynadotte's do the chicken run it's side-splitting comedy. And they end up running several times a day from my porch back to their coop.

This morning I picked up as many as I could. I could feel that some of my hens are starting to weigh more. I think it's most noticable in my RIRs, and the BRs. One of the EE'ers is hefty. I couldn't catch a wynadotte though.

But if yours just started laying, mine can't be far off! Hooray!
Well, my BR's have been pretty hefty for about a month now, maybe a little more. I was surprised how fat they got so quickly, and the one has had a big bright comb for a month too. The 2'nd BR's comb just grew noticeably this last week...maybe it was her who laid the egg. I just might set up a video camera out there tomorrow set on LP to get up to 6 hours! :O) So I know it was laid between 12-3pm today, so tomorrow I'll just start the camera at 11am and should be able to get it and find out who's the culprit! Then I'll post the pics of the combs for other people to compare(even though I know sometimes it doesn't matter). :O)
I got a BO, and 2 EE's in April. I think they are about 23-24 weeks now. The RSL's, Leghorn and BR's I got in March have been laying since late July/ early August. It's past time for these three!




Incidentally, one of the BR's hasn't laid in 5 days! I have a sneaking suspension she and one or more of the "baby flock" have a nest somewhere, but I can't find it for the life of me!!!
My 3 were hatched April 11 >12 & 13th . 1 is a rooster. those girls started laying a couple wks ago. my RIR I bought at Agway on the 11 were older and they have been laying for 3 mayB 4 wks.
oooooooooooOOOOOOMMMMyyyyyGGGGGoDD! I just went to tuck in the gals and voila! There lay these two perfect, beautiful, brown eggs. Our very first!!!!!! I don't know who they belong to! My 4/30 - 6 EEs are 21.5 weeks. My 2 BRs and 2 Red Stars are 20 weeks. My 2 WCBP gals are 28 weeks. Any ideas who mama is?

I am so excited!

2 of 3 are now laying!

Lulu (my #2) is my second laying hen today, presenting me with a slight oblong petite 37gram light brown egg. Aichan (my #1), not to disappoint gave me her 8th egg at 50grams (on the right) shortly after Lulu. The girls are now at 24 weeks. Now if I can get my BA going...
We're STILL waiting. Has everyone else graduated from this thread?

Our MPC girls just turned 24 weeks on Monday.

I am trying to be patient but as the days get a little colder, I find myself yearning for chicken and dumplings ...
I'm still waiting on six more of my pullets - 2 EEs and 4 Wyandottes; they're all 24 weeks, but only 5 of them are laying. The one EE just started laying 3 days ago, so don't give up!

I'm glad for everyone who's gettings eggs now - it's so wonderful to go out and see eggs in the nesting box!

And for those who are still waiting - I still waiting on the rest of my girls, so my wait isn't totally over, either.

Your EEs look very similar to mine, especially the "white/buff" one and the dark one of the far right of your photo.

Here's a picture of some of the pullet eggs - the four darker ones are from my Red Stars; the two light brown ones are from the RIR hens (used to have 2):

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