April 2010 Pullets- wanna wait with me?

O by the way you can scratch me off . My April RIR layed 2 eggs. One today and one two days ago.Yee Haw.
Here's a few more photos of my girls and their eggs!

The egg carton with the first EE egg, one RIR egg, two Jumbo Red Star pullet eggs, and the rest are the regular Red Star pullet eggs:


The First EE egg:


And the Girl who I think laid that beautiful egg - Mercy laid her third egg this morning!


This is Mercy's sister EE - Love:

Still waiting on my April 1st girls. One Barred Rock and one Easter Egger. They are taking their sweet time growing up LOL, but that's ok. My Brahma just started laying Saturday but she was about 7 months old, but has laid an egg a day so far!
Hopefully it will set off a chain reaction hehe

We have our first egg from our April girls.

How do we know it's from THEM? It's a beautiful OLIVE GREEN!

I'd give our new working girl some extra scratch if I knew which one she was. Since I don't, it's extra snacks for all today!

Such a long wait ... and it was all worth it! Now for the other 7 to pitch in!
My Buffy gave a repeat performance today, sometime between 9and11am. So I am firmly established as finally having an egg layer! Whee!

Here's a pic of Buffy the egglayer, with Willow and Stella (my younger girls) in the background, out cleaning up the weeds in the side yard.
If they are like my 6, after the first layer sang the egg song, the others kicked in right away--within 1 week there are at least 4/6 laying!

My last pullet from the first week of April has laid her first egg this morning. This is where I close this part of the journey and finally move on.
Here are the stats from the three girls who will be 28 weeks on Friday 10/22:

breed - #wks for first egg - current egg count - days off
RIR - 23 weeks - 30 eggs - 1 day off
BO - 24 weeks - 20 eggs - 3 days off
BA - 27 weeks - 01 egg - Just started

Everyone had extra greens to celebrate
I am please to report that our girls have kicked into production mode!

We have 8 that were hatched April 24th and one day this week they gave us 5 eggs! Every day they have been adding to the egg count with some beautiful blue/olive (EE) and dark brown (NH) eggs. I am not sure how many of them are laying but at least one of the NHs and three of the EEs are contributing.

Good luck and best wishes to those who are still waiting.

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