April 2020 Hatch-A-Long! All are welcome!

FINALLY LOCK DOWN!!! It is day 18!!! what should I try to keep my humidity at during lock down ? I have it at 55% currently is this a good percentage??
The response that I’ve gotten is 60%. That is what I’m going to try with the eggs that are going in the incubator this afternoon. My last hatch was super poor and I followed the paperwork with the incubator. It recommended 70-75%. I got 5 chicks out of 22. Not blaming the humidity completely but...
Welp, it's time to start up a thread for those of us that have babies hatching in April! All hatchers and all birds are welcome :).

Easter babies: please enter your hatches in the 11th annual Easter Hatch A Long 2020! Participants here have eggs that are not hatching close enough to Easter to count for that event, but ALL April babies are welcome so feel free to chat about your Easter babies with us as well!
I set 8 cayuga duck eggs on 3/13, due 4/10-4/11 (entered in EHAL). They are too early to really candle yet, so 🤷‍♀️. They are shipped eggs from Fat Hen Farms and they were packed very nicely, but the air cells are definitely wonky. I will be trying to handle them as little as possible.

There will definitely be more eggs set to hatch from me in April! But at present my bators are full to the gills. There are 8 chicken eggs (barnyard mix, my own flock) due on 3/31, so they might make an appearance here as well.

Happy hatching!
I have 4 dozen eggs in the incubator! On day 8. Can't wait till they hatch!🐣😀
FINALLY LOCK DOWN!!! It is day 18!!! what should I try to keep my humidity at during lock down ? I have it at 55% currently is this a good percentage??
I like to keep mine at whatever I incubated at (varies a bit, but 30-40) until about day 20, then I bump up to 70ish, which is what my Ayam Cemani savages seem to need to not have an assisted hatch.
Ugh I’ve been the worst hatch a long participant. We are finally getting our place on the market next month so it’s been a bit busy.

today when I went out to the coop mama broody was sitting on other eggs. There were two eggs from my most dominant hens in her box. I don’t know whether they pushed her out to lay or just went in when she was eating and she wouldn’t dare kick them out? Anyway, her eggs were cool to the touch. I didn’t see her off this morning while I was out there, so max it could’ve been would be about 4-5 hours.

until I can set her up in the pen she will hatch in, I gave her ceramic eggs and took all of hers. I candled them before I put them in the bator and they all 6 had movement, but it was sort of slow movement. I’ll candle them tomorrow night and see if they’re still going. 🤞🏻

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