April 2020 Hatch-A-Long! All are welcome!

Day 14 Candle today.

Despite crazy issues keeping my temperature stable (sensor must be off), 18 out of 25 are alive and well. Of the original 25, 18 were shipped and 7 were mine. I lost 4 shipped and 3 of my own, so the shipped eggs are doing better overall!

Here are some of the good and bad candles. 20200417_133210.jpg 20200417_131540.jpg 20200417_130319.jpg 20200416_133345.jpg
Oh I'm absolutely gutted - one of the Silkies that was pipped hit a vein and died. On the sad but bright side, the baby had perfect feet and comb, so I'm staying optimistic about my breeding pen.

Six eggs haven't progressed from initial external pip (knowing my luck they will all hatch overnight), so I lined them up against the edge of the bator so that the hatched savages quit knocking them around like billiard balls.

The two Cochin eggs hadn't externally pipped despite internally pipping more than 30 hours ago and were quiet, so I did a little burr hole, and they started screaming at me again. There are also two eggs I strongly suspect of being DIS.

If only I knew when I decided to start breeding that watching a hatch could be this stressful...?!

Edited to add an updated live feed link - https://www.pscp.tv/w/cWjZGDF4blFyb...OTgnE-P0SXLTvnjOZSCI_jALQn4yDmc75EoOr?t=2m44s
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Hello i made a seperate thread on this but got no responses so I decided to post here:) I joined the hatch-along earlier this week and my chicks were due to hatch this Sunday or Monday but upon opening the incubator this evening to place them into lockdown wouldn’t you know it a NH chick had already externally pipped..we panicked and shut it immediately but then decided to open it again to detach the turner and take out the partition between that row of eggs and another row. The humidity is the same it’s always been..43-50 % (our hydrometers are crap so it’s pretty random) now I know that’s a bit low for hatching so should we risk opening the incubator again to add more humidity. If so how should I do that? I have a janoel 12 incubator and for that you just pour water in the bottom of the incubator and hope for the best :rolleyes: I’m sorry this is already so long but I’m worried that I just shrink wrapped this chick. Our hatch is quite staggered so this egg and another egg were supposed to hatch on Monday I believe. Any info or advice would be greatly appreciated, I know I didn’t ask a particular question...stay safe everyone!

(Currently spazzing a bit) :gig

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