April 2020 Hatch-A-Long! All are welcome!

Started 24 eggs on 4/4. 12 Ameraucana, 11 55 Flowery and one Olive Egger. Currently have 8 55F, 1 OE, and 9 Ameraucana still going.


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I took some candling pics today with some of the ones that are questionable. They are on day 14.

First is the bielefelder who had veins, but now I see this... is that a blood ring? :(

Here is a video of it:

This is an olive egger, is he developing? And does my air cell look okay? This was the porous egg.

Here is another one I think is developing: is the dark blob we see the chick?

This is another olive egger that had veins last week but now looks like this. Is that a blood ring too? :(

The last two videos here I am just wondering if each of these eggs were infertile and if I should pull them? Just making sure I'm not missing something..

Thank you for any help!!

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