April 2020 Hatch-A-Long! All are welcome!

Ended up helping. She pipped the shell, but somehow not through the membrane. I helped a bit and with a qtip coated the membrane with a bit of coconut oil and a while later she was still struggling against it so I removed a bit more.
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She hatched a few hours later. Hoping she does well. I've named her April. šŸ¤ž
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Yay! I'm glad! I saw your post earlier, but have no experience assisting chicks. Crossing my fingers for her.
I have 12 eggs (barnyard mixes) in the incubator now. 1 due to hatch in 3 days. Long storyā€” had a broody, moved her, she broke all the eggs but 1. The others have 9 days left. First time hatching with incubator! Very nervous šŸ˜¬
Donā€™t worry youā€™ll do better than her lol. I feel your pain though because my two were doing a co-brood and both sitting and I just found two fully zipped squished chicks in the nest, ugh very upset. I might take them inside or stick them under the others
Iā€™m worried my one egg that was developing so good has a blood ring :( Iā€™m not sure what they look like but Iā€™m going to go look it up. I also have two that look like when they started- just a floating yolk it seems. Would these be considered clears? I wonā€™t move them unless they smell but just wondering how many chicks could potentially be born.
How long have you had them in the incubator? Your egg that looks like it has a blood ring, probably does. On occasion though, the ring turns out to be an unusual formation of blood vessels. If, in the next few days, it has none of the beautiful spidery, branching red veins, it is dead.

The clears are not fertile. Sometimes it's hard to see the very first stages of life, though. I leave mine in with the other ones up to seven days, but I've never had one surprise me that was three days in when I checked it and it had nothing. If it were me and I wanted that incubator for another batch, I'd toss them at 4-5 days if no signs of life.
Well, I got 21 chicks. One chick I ended up helping out of the shell. It was zipped but the skin had hardened over it. The beak was sticking out and moving. It is not doing well and maybe I shouldn't have helped.
There is another one that seems to have a hard time walking. Can't really tell why.
Update... I got up yesterday meaning to cull those chicks if they don't show much improvement. What can I say? The chick I helped was doing fine. No more issues. And I couldn't even pick out the one that had the walking difficulty. Chicks are doing well. :wee
I literally calibrated it -9Ā° and it shot up to 102Ā°. šŸ™„ What the heck? I seem to have honed in by setting the room temp to 80-85 and the set temp to 96.5Ā° and then it finally drops to 99.5Ā° on the trusted therm. Not sure why itā€™s doing this with both of my incuviews but I guess as long as I can get them to 99.5Ā° itā€™s fine. I ā€œneedā€ a third incubator and I was just about to go grab a Nurture right 360 on amazon but they are back ordered. So I guess Iā€™ll buy another incuview. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø

Considering looking at a hovabator 2370. Anyone here have one and like it? I canā€™t remember, do you have one @CluckNDoodle?
Tractor supply has the Nurture Right 360 and you can order online, it's a great incubator

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