How many eggs did you set?

  • 1 - 5 eggs

    Votes: 19 16.5%
  • 6 - 10 eggs

    Votes: 16 13.9%
  • 11 - 15 eggs

    Votes: 16 13.9%
  • 16 - 20 eggs

    Votes: 5 4.3%
  • 21 - 25 eggs

    Votes: 17 14.8%
  • 26 - 30 eggs

    Votes: 6 5.2%
  • 31 - 40 eggs

    Votes: 12 10.4%
  • 41 - 50 eggs

    Votes: 14 12.2%
  • 51+

    Votes: 15 13.0%

  • Total voters
I don't think the last four eggs are going to hatch
and to top it off, my first chick that hatched on Easter that was fine yesterday is not doing good this morning
no pasty butt..idk what's wrong

Make sure it is drinking, dip its beak in water for just a moment so it gets a taste of it, then make sure it goes back for more.
2 chicks out with 2 more pips this morning. A few more rocking and rolling? My daughter thinks that the first chick to hatch is always a rooster. Anyone else with the same opinion?
Ok I set 100 + eggs.
Got two incubators at an auction last month and I think I bit off more then I can chew.

The neighbor came over the other day just before easter and offered me his brooder
so that will help when they hatch.

This should be fun anyway oh and I got some eggs off here as well,they are showing some signs of life now.

My free range hen mix
cochin Bantam mix
Easter egger mix
Barnyard Mix (unkown bought at auction green brown and white eggs in mix)
Marans mix
Cream Legbar male (blue egg gene) is covering Silver Spangled Appenzeller Spitzhauben
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Candled all 18 of my BBS orp eggs last night (day 10). There are definitely only 4 developing. The 14 others are ALL clears!
but on a positive note. Talked to the breeder I purchased them from and he is splitting his breeding group and will send me more eggs to try again. So thankful for reputable and considerate breeders!
2 chicks out with 2 more pips this morning. A few more rocking and rolling? My daughter thinks that the first chick to hatch is always a rooster. Anyone else with the same opinion?
Thats correct about 50% of the time for me. I've had a few hatches that were all roosters and one hatch that was all hens lol
Sorry, @bobshammy, you'll just have to try again.

It's day 18, so I put my 6 BBS Marans into lockdown about an hour ago. I did a completely dry hatch and have been weighing them at each candle. They lost 15% of their weight at candle this morning, so I maxed the reservoirs with water and threw in a small wet sponge for good measure! I'm really hoping to get a splash out of these 6. The two that hatched under my broody are black and blue. I would love to see one hatch out that I could clearly see wasn't dark colored. Good luck everyone!!
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I love see all the pics of the little chicks hatching.

This is my second hatch. The first one i hand turned and had 85% hatch rate. This time I added an egg turner on day 3. I had an issue with putting in the thermometer. I was able to add small ones but they are really hard to read. So i bought one that you can dangle through the vent. On day 7 I took out 3 clear. On day 12 I had an issue with tempeture spike to 105. :(
i got it back under control. I candled on day 14 and had 7 quiters. I believe it was due to the temp. So, now im down to 33 that are doing good.

What day does everyone lock down on night of 17th day or 18th?

Good luck everyone and keep the pics coming!

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