April Online Egg Swap Closed Double check your entries

I'm collecting now and hope to get something out maybe saturday so they get there monday or tuesday. If not, I'll start collecting all over again. More car problems so we'll see, but they WILL go out. I haven't seen a purple egg yet though.
I'm collecting now and hope to get something out maybe saturday so they get there monday or tuesday. If not, I'll start collecting all over again. More car problems so we'll see, but they WILL go out. I haven't seen a purple egg yet though.

Fingers crossed for purple eggs. But you know I'll be thrilled with some of those PINK ones....
WARNING If you don't want to know my egg code, don't read this. Ok, so if you get eggs from me (they went out today) I use the following codes:
G or pointy eggs= Guinea
C= Blue/Black/Splash Cochin
CM= Cuckoo Marans
RIR= Heritage Rhode Island Red
All of these (except Guinea) are non hatchery
Crud, %&\! I think I messed up. I packed the boxes and I didn't mark which had what eggs. Well, one had Guinea eggs and the other had LF Pure. Not a problem, right? WRONG! I was going to do two swaps but did 4 because so many people wanted Guineas. I don't know if the box of Guineas went to the right person. It was one of those days at and I needed to get to the PO before it closed. I had 6 boxes. One was for a Facebook swap (but also one of our swappers) that I was to send mixed to. I think I put 2 mixed eggs and 6 pure eggs in the box, so I remember marking that box and I know it was correct. Another box was for a side swap (but also one of my partners) so I know that one was right. That leaves 4 boxes, one Guinea and 3 LF pure. (Now you're think I've really lost it, right. Four swaps and one facebook swap is 5, not 6. Well, somebody bought eggs from me to send for them so that's the extra box.
So, to make a long story short, you may get Guinea eggs when you didn't request them. If I messed up and you want Guinea or didn't want Guineas, I can send you the correct eggs as soon as I get money in my pay pal to cover shipping. I am so embarrassed.

Then to make matters worse, I got home and my mother in law and her helper were at my house to load my father in laws hogs and the helper left the door to my brooder room open and the barn cats were in there. I have too many chicks to know if any were killed. I don't think any were. When I told MIL about it, she got an attitude with me.
I was worried because somebody said no Guineas but I went back and looked and nobody said that from the swappers I sent to.

Ok. Deep breath.

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