Are the nipple watering systems worth it?

We have used nipples since the chicks were in the brooder. I love them. We have a PVC pipe one in the coop, and a bucket one for in the run. In the winter, I'm hoping a pond heater and some insulation around the PVC pipe will be good enough in the coop (we don't get below freezing often or for long though). The one in the run I'll likely just add hot water to every day. There's pictures of ours here and here.
For a length of PVC with nipples, how far apart should the nipples be placed? Do those of you using PVC with nipples in pens attach the PVC to the wall or fence to keep the chickens from perching on the PVC? I'm working on a new poultry house, it has multiple yards to keep breeds separate. I haven't yet started on the water system, and I want to do it right. I have been using the automatic bowls, Little Giant, type waterers, but the nipples sound like they are more maintenance free. I have very hard water, will they clog up or start to drip from the mineral buildup?
Thanks for everybody's help.
i am so glad for all the info in this thread i am learning so much about this water system!! It would be great if ya's could put up more pictures of how you have yours it really helps to see it visually!! I have very hard water as well was wondering the same thing desertmarcy its never been an issue with wht im using now which is just a big rubber water bowl. But it does get nasty with algae and poop
Mine are about 5-6" apart, but I don't think it matters so long as the integrity of the pipe isn't compromised, and the chickens can fit in there side by side. 5-6" has worked well for us. Ours is attached to the wall. I don't know about hard water clogging it, I guess we'll see. I have hard water too. In my last response (right above yours) I posted links to lots of pictures and more information on how we did ours.
I think it helps with the slime. We're in the same boat as you are with the stagnant water. One of our issues is also wind blowing dirt in there, so this system will really help. Once we get our coop round 2 done, we'll get to working on the water nipple system. I don't mind going out and filling it every day, but with this wind lately, several times a day just doesn't work well!
The are and honestly they can be really inexpensive. I recommend QC Supply and get a few of both types. They're only $1ish/ea. Cleaner water, far more sanitary!

"Simply Lemonade" and other juice bottles in that line make PERFECT singles. A four-six gallon bucket with lid make awesome multi waterers!
The are and honestly they can be really inexpensive. I recommend QC Supply and get a few of both types. They're only $1ish/ea. Cleaner water, far more sanitary!

"Simply Lemonade" and other juice bottles in that line make PERFECT singles. A four-six gallon bucket with lid make awesome multi waterers!

awesome!!! ty ty ima give it a try!
The are and honestly they can be really inexpensive. I recommend QC Supply and get a few of both types. They're only $1ish/ea. Cleaner water, far more sanitary!

"Simply Lemonade" and other juice bottles in that line make PERFECT singles. A four-six gallon bucket with lid make awesome multi waterers!

awesome!!! ty ty ima give it a try!

Glad I could help out! Gotta love some BYC right?!?!?!?
If you want to buy just nipples remember that the MINIMUM shipping charge at QC is $6.35. So $1.18 each may not be such a good price. Now if you are going to buy other stuff at the same time that could change everything.

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