Are your dogs microchipped?

Both mine are chipped. All our local shelters and vet offices have scanners, and check carefully for chips if you bring in a stray.

I'm very glad for it. I've gotten some really weird questions from passers-by that make me wonder if the person isn't some sort of weirdo out to steal my dog for nefarious purposes, sort of thing.
Not to turn an innocent question into a religious debate, but I'm like Crusty.....huh?
To me, microchipping is no different than the dog wearing dog tags, except that the chip can't be removed by someone trying to steal your dogs; like tags can be.
And like fldiver said, things happen.
In my hometown, all dogs and cats are tattoed at the time of their spay or neuter surgery. This saves the animals that are adopted out from the shelters or rescue groups (where the animals history may be unknown) from undergoing unnecessary anesthesia and surgery.
When I adopted my Charlie Girl special preparations had to be made for her spay surgery (due to past abuse). While prepping her for the surgery, she was shaved and the vet noticed her (spay) tattoo on her lower abdomen. This saved her from being anesthetized and cut into again.
Here in CA, animals that are chipped cannot be put down or adopted out until every effort is made to contact the info on the chip, all the shelters and vets around here have scanners.

I will always get my pets chipped. Tags fall off, majority of the lost dogs in the shelter do not come in with collars or tags and everyone says " I never thought my dog would be lost "
Also in a lot of cases dogs arent lost in their home town and end up at a shelter in a different town.

My aunt lost her dog and was on vacation, it went to the shelter and was put down after the waiting period ( she wasnt even back from vacation and her petsitter only looked in the closest shelter)
If she had a chip, her dog would still be alive. For the $30 it takes to get a chip.. it seems like a given to get one... My aunt went out and got her other dog chipped the day after she found out her dog was put down.. I'd been telling her for 4 years to get her dogs chipped.

My sister hadnt gotten her dog chipped because she was under the impression your dog had to be under anesthesia to do it. That' not the case although many vets do it when a dog is under getting neutered/spayed.. just because it's easier. In actuality a chip is just like a shot, it's injected under the skin the same way , all 3 of my dogs were chipped at a shot clinic, only one of them yelped when it was done but quickly forgot.

Do it.. don't regret it later...

All mine are chipped, collared, licensed and tagged.

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Leo is microchipped. Around here, they usually scan animals at the pound. Also, many lost pets end up at vets' offices, and many vets scan. I will admit that Leo is the first dog I ever had chipped, and I did it because his health insurance paid for it.

Even if your pound doesn't scan now, they may in the future. It is also proof of ownership. Leo has a tag on his collar that shows he was chipped. I wondered why I should bother with him having an additional tag because his other tags have his name and address. Then I found out that it alerted thieves to leave this one alone. It's kind of like having signs on your property that say you have a security system. It just lets the crooks know that they should find another target. Some pets are stolen to be resold, and they might get caught if they sell a chipped one.
Mine are all chipped.

One interesting thing on chipping - If you do not register and keep the info updated - it is no good at all! We found a cat in a hospital parking lot. He was chipped and we took him to the vet to have him scanned - we found out that he was from North Carolina. The info had not been updated and there was no way to notify the owners. We kept searching and did find out that he was a Katrina Survivor. However, since the owners never updated the chip info online - we just ran into dead ends. He is in a loving home now, but, his orginial owners were never located.

So be sure you are updating the info with your chipped pet!
All my dogs are microchipped, but only for the reason of testing and showing.. My area would not call for it.. I tell people though in Chicago or New York its a good idea cuz they have more purebred theft...

You can do the same if you have a rabies tag or identity tag hangin on him.. honesty people will call the vet of the rabies tag.. or the id tag ...

However ,, a microchip is not exspensive.. just don't get the universal one.. theres certain ones that are causing tumors around them
I will always chip my dogs and cats. My dogs took off after deer last year and were lost all night (a sleepless, sleepless night). In the morning, we found the two big girls but not my Jack Russell. Then we get a call from a neighbor who had called the number on the chip tag and they had all my information. The database has so much more information that just a tag. I have my sister's info, my mother-in-law's info, my work info, etc. So I know, no matter what, they will get ahold of someone to come get the animal.

I found a dog with a chip once but the owner had never registered it. We traced it to the vet that administered the chip and he had the owner's information. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), the owner was dead and we ran into a dead end. He found a wonderful, loving home.

I found another dog and once we id'd it as a Shiba Inu (I thought it was a mutt) we assumed (correctly) that such an unusual dog should have a chip and we were right.

My mom had a cat run away and was found and returned because she had a chip.
My animals are from the shelter and they tattoo when they spay/neuter. Awesome idea!!!!! My dad's a vet and he's gone into animals before, looking for the uterus, to find, after the incision, that she was already spayed. Seems like a given for the boys, though.

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