Arizona Chickens

The chicks are so cute! I hope you get at least one pullet. How many did you end up with? or are they still hatching?
Looks like two at this time although when I was messing with her there looked to be another egg pipping - she's not too cooperative about letting me look and she's not booted anything out of the nest yet. So come Saturday I'll push her to move and get the nest cleared of eggs. The first chicks hatched overnight Tuesday/Wednesday so I think by Saturday all should be done one way or the other. Yes one pullet would be lovely - two would be grand!
I'm on the waiting list from Frozen Acres! Those buffs are drop dead gorgeous. She told me she sold to someone in AZ. In addition to those I'm also getting Chocolate Cuckoo Orps from Heritage Orpingtons.
well if for some reason you don't get them from her let us know. I have 2 roosters and a hen and Cesar has a pair. We will be adding a few from John Blehm lines in spring. I do not do orps but if you are wanting chocolate AM I have 2 chocolate split roosters and so I will be working on chocolate next year. I am adding Lavender, white, and silver to my already existing BBS, BW and Wheaten, Buff, Silkied and Chocolate.
I have been told I am horrible at pictures but I will try and get more soon.
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Lol, no I meant what are the chickens in the upper picture of "a little chicken' post. The barred rock is mine. The yellow one in the same picture is my mystery girl, she isn't buff Orpington, I have those and she's different. She also has tufts on her face.
+- 21 days. 
You can see what they should look like here:
Make sure she gets water too. 
I don't think they are all good hatchers.  I think some are better than others.

She's segregated in a little coop with an upper and lower level. It's in the shade and the water pan is on the "run" part of it. I never see her out of the coop area. In the evening I go out there and gently lift up the nesting box kid just slightly. She's very flighty. The first time I did this she spooked and broke and egg or 2. If I hold the door open for a sec she walks and goes to the lower level and drinks some I think while I'm feeding and checking out the eggs. Are you saying that I should steal one, candle it and return it? I'm gonna move her water pan to the nesting box beside the one she lays in. Thanks.
How eggciting.. What breeds are you hatching..:jumpy

Heck if I know what breeds - these are the TJ eggs - I'm guessing they are Leghorns or California Whites since all were white eggs.

Duh, I knew that.. Threw all the information & work, & life, & what not.. I had a feeling I knew when I was asking.. Just been whelmed.. :barnie
She's segregated in a little coop with an upper and lower level. It's in the shade and the water pan is on the "run" part of it. I never see her out of the coop area. In the evening I go out there and gently lift up the nesting box kid just slightly. She's very flighty. The first time I did this she spooked and broke and egg or 2. If I hold the door open for a sec she walks and goes to the lower level and drinks some I think while I'm feeding and checking out the eggs. Are you saying that I should steal one, candle it and return it? I'm gonna move her water pan to the nesting box beside the one she lays in. Thanks.

Yep, go out at night with a good flashlight. Sneak an egg out (or one at a time), candle and replace. It's amazing to see things developing in those shells! Darker eggs are harder to see through until pretty late and obviously lighter eggs are easier to see.

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