Arizona Chickens

I am happy to hear she is eating and drinking well. I hope she has a quick recovery whatever it was. After reading your post I did a lot of searching through this site trying to find out what it could be but I couldn't find anything so sorry .

Thank you for searching. My computer at work today kept bumping me off BYC today. I do hope she recovers soon. We shall see what tomorrow shall bring.
One of my Australorps's combs is starting to redd'n up a bit.

From what I've learned form you's guys that means egg laying soon, yes?

Becky says they should start laying in almost exactly another month so will the 50lb bag of chick finisher be OK for now?

And on another happy note, I don't know if I posted this or just sent it to Noel but...

I ordered another 10 chicks from Ideal yesterday! Whaoo!

*** My first edit on the new format***

Ohh, and I asked Ideal what they did with their excess male chicks and they said that they did not shred or otherwise dispose of them. They have a buyer that purchases all the weekly surplus.

Good news so I purchased 2 wellsummer and 2 gold sex link pullets!

And I want my spell checker back!!!
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This should only take me a little less than forever to figure out.

Memphis: Boston Bryce in Heber, AZ has all my old FBCM flock and I'm certain he'd be happy to sell you hatching eggs.
I just hatched out some of his eggs and the chicks are all wonderful.

He also has Icelandics. While Icelandics are not a 'standardized' breed, they are wonderful layers and because they are a "land-race" fowl, they are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get until you hatch them.

He also has a decent BW roo and will soon have some pullets so he may have some good Ameraucana stock for you to buy within a year or so.
I took Amelia to the vet and he thinks it is botulism. He called a couple Dr's he knows but they had left for the day. He called a Dr. friend from a University and his ex-wife who works at the zoo. I will hear what they think tomorrow.

She has a great appetite and drinking well. No signs of perotinitis (sp) or being egg bound. He said she is very alert and shows no signs of Merecks. He told me to take her home and let her eat and drink. She ate 2 scrambled eggs, some mealworms and a little applesauce. She is ravenous and drank water as well.
How is Amelia doing today? Do you have any idea how she might have come in contact with the bacteria that causes botulism? I hope she recovers.
I am happy to hear she is eating and drinking well. I hope she has a quick recovery whatever it was. After reading your post I did a lot of searching through this site trying to find out what it could be but I couldn't find anything so sorry .

I had heard that pigeons are carriers of Botulism? Gallo, I tried to quote you to respond but can't figure out how yet. I hope she's doing better too.
How is Amelia doing today? Do you have any idea how she might have come in contact with the bacteria that causes botulism? I hope she recovers.

She is still the same. She wasn't as puffed up as yesterday. Time will tell. She ate scrambled egg, mealworms and layer crumble this morning and also had a little water. I gave her a couple drops of Polyvisol as well. She could have eaten something that was in the yard that had some mold on it. We mostly have neighbors leaves blow in the yard, so that could have been a culprit. We have no stagnet water and I smell nothing bad in their feed. My other girls are well.

Thank you for asking...will keep you all posted.
Well, at least she's not getting worse. Hopefully, she'll fight this thing off. My chickens get into the compost bins all the time (before the decomposition is complete) and I always wonder about the odds of getting it there. I hadn't heard that about pigeons pdx2phx.

Oh, pdx2phx--the quoting got me confused at first too. When you reply, hit the quote button instead of the reply button.

Hey, this platform doesn't seem tell us when something has been edited. O.K., now it's showing up.

Woohoo! This is post 23,000 on our thread.

Edited because I want to be like Mikey!
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