Arrowhead block swap

Easy design wall, get you a square cheap table cloth with the fuzzy(dollar store,Fred's) backing the blocks stick to the fuzzy side and tape or use small nails to hang and then presto, design wall, after putting your blocks in the order you want, you can roll them up and take them where ever you want to go if the wall your using isn't compatible with hanging squares all over it and leaving it up.
OK! thanks, Good idea!
I got my blocks today
. Great job everyone, I'v already tried several layouts. my design wall is a fuzzy back table cloth. Thank you katsdar for every thing.
OHH ! I can't believe myself.......I have misplaced my LW pattern....eeeek. we have had so much company this summer my quilting things got moved around a lot. Now to go like a hurricane through it all again. I thought I had put it with the fabric but nope, not me.
Please say a little quilter's prayer for me.
OHH ! I can't believe myself.......I have misplaced my LW pattern....eeeek. we have had so much company this summer my quilting things got moved around a lot. Now to go like a hurricane through it all again. I thought I had put it with the fabric but nope, not me.
Please say a little quilter's prayer for me.
If I need to take a picture of the cut list let me know and if you don't find your pattern, I can copy mine and send it to you. Murphy's law when all is done, you will find your pattern

Now, it's funny you should say that rusty! I came across my pattern the other day somewhere I would never have looked for it!
I figured you would have had yours all cut by now, lol and we were behind

I also had to hunt for my pattern, lol found it by accident while I was looking for a different pattern, see we put things in safe places never to be found again. lol
See there another 16 mins searching in another room was all I needed.
I'm sooo relieved. It will take me the rest of the week to put everything back together now.

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