Ask your chick related questions HERE! (Newbies welcome!)

These chicks are about 16 days old. My house is kept around 70. The only time i see them close to the heat lamp is at night when they are resting. Are they at a stage where i can keep the light off during the day?
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Thank you so much for the advice!! I have an old mirror i used to carry in my purse for touch-ups.. ill put that up this evening! We made 2 water nipples for them and they LOVE it!! Im keeping a little water dish in there for the next few days to be sure they have the hang of the nipples but theyre not even using it, lol. I wasnt very clear about the feeder, its angled against the side of the tub with a pine "shelf" behind it, so theyre actually roosting on around a 2 inch wide level. Ive only seen them have an accident in the feeder maybe twice, but im definitely going to put a couple of branches in there too. Originally i put the feeder at an angle to make it easier for them to get at their food, the roosting was an accident, so i just made the space wider so if they did have to poo, it goes on the shavings 99% of the time. Im so excited to hear from everyone, this is such a great site!!! Thank you so much for your feedback!!
how do I regulate the temp in the brooder? Im using a plastic tote with a red heat lamp bought at TSC. I have 2 thermometers in the brooder and they both read over 105. I have moved the light out as far as I can get it and still able to clip it to the side. I dont wanna cook the chicks. I had my first born(hatched) today and Im trying to get the brooder set up for when they are ready.

Hi bmdakk,

Good question! I hope I can provide a good answer. :)
Well first, you can make sure the brooder is not covered if you have no other animals in the house, so cool air can get in. 2nd, the heat lamp wattage may be high, in that case you'll need to buy a lower watt bulb. 3rd, no matter what, make sure they have room to get away and feed and water is not under heat lamp. Also, if you can figure out a way to securely hang the lamp, that may help.
Let me know what you figure out!

Hello!!! I have a couple questions for ya... I found a hatchery 2 and a half hours away from me. Should I order the chicks or go pick them up??? When can I introduce the outdoors to the chicks??? When can they live outside??? When do I turn off the heat lamp??? Would a kiddie pool brooder be big enough for the chicks till' they leave the brooder??? I am getting 4-6 chicks. With ventilation in the coop, in the winter do I close them up??? And when it rains do I??? What kind of chickens are good egg layers, do good in the cold, and are very friendly??? Thanks!!! :D


1st: I would pick them up if possible, less chance of them dying or getting lost in shipping!!! You also get them the same day!

2nd: The outdoors can begin after 1wk to ensure they are old enough to digest grass bits. But, unless it is in the 90's were you are, you'll have to bring the outdoors in. Boy do they enjoy a clump of dirt with grass attached in the brooder! Plus the dirt doubles as grit!

3rd: You will need to wean the chicks of the light inside first, and being able to put a heat lamp in the coop helps. I have lots of chicks and ducks that cuddle together with heat lamp at night. Most people follow this guide:
Wk 1: 90-95*f Week 3: 80-85*f
Wk 2: 85-90*f Week 4: 75-80*f
You get it, lowering by 5 degrees each week. Of course if the chicks act huddled then raise the temperature! If they act hot and stay as far away as possible from the lamp lower it! Quite simple, really :)

4th: Ventilation is important! Sure, if you have a window that's open in the warm months close that, but install some vents (I'll get some pics of mine later if you would like) and leave them open. Without proper ventilation, the coop can get to moist, and the respiratory infection fairy will visit. In fact, I believe if you search for ventilation on BYC, there is a article someone wrote on it, a very good one.
And go ahead and leave them (maybe not a window) open when it rains :)

5th: Brahmas!!!! Feather feeted, small comb which helps prevent frost bite, beautiful birds, super friendly and my hen (getting more today!! Ek!) lays a large lightly tinted egg every day!

My brother and I are new to raising chickens. Almost two weeks ago, we purchased 21 chicks.

Tonight, while letting them run around, we noticed about one-third to half are sneezing. We were going to go to Tractor Supply tomorrow and get probiotics to put in their water, but we're wondering if there's anything else we should do?

Also, one of the larger ones (we think he's a roo) has been pecked at a bit between where his neck and wing meets. No blood, but definitely weeping. We've been doing hours upon hours of research about them for a while. Just wanting to make sure that a simple saline solution and antibiotic ointment is best for him. We've already separated him from the flock.

Hi higganbothham,

1st: For the sneezing chicks, clean brooder, feed and wateres ASAP! Bleach works, but I use vinegar. Get some apple cider vinegar and add a splash to their water. Also some garlic in water or garlic powder in food can help. The probiotics are a good place to start. Best of luck!

I think that rooster will be okay if you do as said. I really can't think of anything else, make sure he has fresh feed and water and doesn't get too lonely :)

I want to know that what is the best source of calcium for 2,3 months old chicks? The source that they would loves to eat as well.. and how can i get my chicks used to something eatable which they normally dont eat? for example almonds or butter or things like that?
oh n i am talking ,specifically, about my buff orpington chicks. :)

Hi. If there is not enough calcium in the feed, I'd try swotching, chicks go cuckoo over fermented feed once they learn what it is. Really, I agree with lazygardener and think thy have some good ideas :)


Why do you want them to have extra calcium?  Are they getting a balanced grower ration?  If so, there's plenty of calcium there.  Too much calcium is hard on their kidneys.  Give them their prepared food.  Look into fermented feed, if you want to give them a high quality nutrition and immunity  boost.  There's also sprouting, which is a bit more involved, but your best bet is to give them that balanced food, and let them make up the difference with their gleanings from free ranging or their run.
These chicks are about 16 days old. My house is kept around 70. The only time i see them close to the heat lamp is at night when they are resting. Are they at a stage where i can keep the light off during the day?
These chicks are about 16 days old. My house is kept around 70. The only time i see them close to the heat lamp is at night when they are resting. Are they at a stage where i can keep the light off during the day?


I think you can turn the light of in the day as long as it's not dark in their room. I actually have chicks similar to that (tsc pullets?) that have been outside with lots of other chicks and heat lamp.

Thank you so much for the advice!! I have an old mirror i used to carry in my purse for touch-ups.. ill put that up this evening! We made 2 water nipples for them and they LOVE it!! Im keeping a little water dish in there for the next few days to be sure they have the hang of the nipples but theyre not even using it, lol. I wasnt very clear about the feeder, its angled against the side of the tub with a pine "shelf" behind it, so theyre actually roosting on around a 2 inch wide level. Ive only seen them have an accident in the feeder maybe twice, but im definitely going to put a couple of branches in there too. Originally i put the feeder at an angle to make it easier for them to get at their food, the roosting was an accident, so i just made the space wider so if they did have to poo, it goes on the shavings 99% of the time. Im so excited to hear from everyone, this is such a great site!!! Thank you so much for your feedback!!

It is a great site! Sounds like your brooder is good; hopefully they'll like the mirror!

How do I make my chicks NOT scared of me?? I got 8 Barred Rock chicks a couple of days ago and they're about 3 days old...I'm doing my best not to handle them too much because I don't want them to get stressed out. Yesterday, I picked one up for the first time and sat down on the floor and she was walking around the blanket that was on my lap and then she started chirping really loudly!! Like that high pitched scream? She kept running around and around my lap frantically and I was a bit surprised, as most chicks i've seen will just quiet down for a nap....I don't think she was cold because she started chirping the SECOND I picked her up....I didn't squeeze her.... or grab her....In fact I wasn't even touching her when she was in my lap, but she kept trying to jump up on my shoulder and get tangled in my hair. I thought maybe she wanted to be with another chick so I took another one out from the brooder and the other one only joined in the chirping song!!! Am I doing something wrong? I put those 2 chickens back and got a different one and she was a bit quieter....but only stayed quiet for a minute!! They don't seem to ever just quiet down....they're always running around and trying to run away. Should I give them treats?? Are they too young to have treats?? What treats are they allowed to have?? Thanks so much!!
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I have 5 baby chicks that are somewhere between one to two weeks old. I just noticed that one of them is throwing his head back and acting like he is crowing but no sound is coming out. Is that normal?

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