Ask your chick related questions HERE! (Newbies welcome!)

This site is a wealth of resource and help. Again i am brand new to chickens and have been all over this site. Most recently I have been on the thread for pasty butt. One of my little guys has it and she appears very weak and wobbly. I have been trying to wash her off to remove the blockage from the vent. Is there any better way to remove the blockage other than luke warm water. I have read a lot of post saying baby wipes, peroxide etc...
Okay, I know people have different opinions but DON'T SAY ANYTHING to me about it lol.
With my first chicks I tried water and stuff, no help. So I tried gently, slowy pulling it off, just no water, and it worked! The chicks didn't have pasty butt again, a few feathers came off but they grew back and the chicks run around like crazy having fun!

They are a week old and my temp in the brood box is 95 degrees near the lamp and they have a lot of room to wonder so they can regulate where they want to be to stay warm there are only 3 other chicks so ample room.

Also once I have it moist is it ok to pull it off or should I wait for the water to dissolve it away?
Pulling it off should be fine, it WILL squeal, okay. If you want you can wait for the water to dissolve it.

After it is removed there are different thoughts olive oil, Vaseline ...? Can I use any of these options without too much risk?
Olive Oil or Vaseline will work just fine :<)

And finally diet. I am using the pro biotic stuff in the water and not in the food. Should I be putting it in the food? To boost digestion can I just place a small dish of plain yogurt in there? Someone mentioned sand as well?
No, it's fine just in the water. If you'd like you may put a *small* dish of plain yougurt, but don't give everyday. 1-2 times a week. Sand can be placed in a dish big enough for dust bathing, they'll also use it as grit.

I know there are a lot of questions here and I know that every situation is different. I just want to be sure I am giving this guy the best chance I can.

Any help or advice is appreciated....
I have a brood of chicks 5 days shy of 6 weeks. I live in San Diego,ca. They have a completed coop and Joe how to use the waterer and feeder. The temps here are in the 80s high and upper 50s low.
You can see their photo below.
Do you think they are good outside full time yet if i put their heart lamp in the coop at night?
Yes I do! I have 3wks out, with heat lamp. They are very cute!!!

Hello!!! I have a couple questions for ya... I found a hatchery 2 and a half hours away from me. Should I order the chicks or go pick them up??? When can I introduce the outdoors to the chicks??? When can they live outside??? When do I turn off the heat lamp??? Would a kiddie pool brooder be big enough for the chicks till' they leave the brooder??? I am getting 4-6 chicks. With ventilation in the coop, in the winter do I close them up??? And when it rains do I??? What kind of chickens are good egg layers, do good in the cold, and are very friendly??? Thanks!!! :D
how do I regulate the temp in the brooder? Im using a plastic tote with a red heat lamp bought at TSC. I have 2 thermometers in the brooder and they both read over 105. I have moved the light out as far as I can get it and still able to clip it to the side. I dont wanna cook the chicks. I had my first born(hatched) today and Im trying to get the brooder set up for when they are ready.
You may want to give them some veggies chopped fine along with some fine grit or sand. I have a Buff Orpington (Molly) a Silver Laced Wyandotte (Lucy) and a New Hampshire Red (Henrietta) which are just 2 weeks old today and I started giving them veggies 2 days ago and they love them and seem to be doing well. My BO and SLW like to get on my hand and then walk up my arm to roost. lol They really are cute. My NHR is a little on the shy side and won't do that. She will get on my hand if I have goodies, though. Oh, I also give them rolled oats...chopped a little.
My brother and I are new to raising chickens. Almost two weeks ago, we purchased 21 chicks.

Tonight, while letting them run around, we noticed about one-third to half are sneezing. We were going to go to Tractor Supply tomorrow and get probiotics to put in their water, but we're wondering if there's anything else we should do?

Also, one of the larger ones (we think he's a roo) has been pecked at a bit between where his neck and wing meets. No blood, but definitely weeping. We've been doing hours upon hours of research about them for a while. Just wanting to make sure that a simple saline solution and antibiotic ointment is best for him. We've already separated him from the flock.
I want to know that what is the best source of calcium for 2,3 months old chicks? The source that they would loves to eat as well.. and how can i get my chicks used to something eatable which they normally dont eat? for example almonds or butter or things like that?
oh n i am talking ,specifically, about my buff orpington chicks. :)
Why do you want them to have extra calcium? Are they getting a balanced grower ration? If so, there's plenty of calcium there. Too much calcium is hard on their kidneys. Give them their prepared food. Look into fermented feed, if you want to give them a high quality nutrition and immunity boost. There's also sprouting, which is a bit more involved, but your best bet is to give them that balanced food, and let them make up the difference with their gleanings from free ranging or their run.
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Actually female chick has very weak legs thats why i was wondering if calcium could work? she eats much less than other chicks. i give my chicks barley and a prepared feed and sometimes boiled eggs, boiled rice and wheat etc. so is it okay for her to live like that or should i give her calcium or stuff like that?

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