Ask your chick related questions HERE! (Newbies welcome!)


1st: I would pick them up if possible, less chance of them dying or getting lost in shipping!!! You also get them the same day!

2nd: The outdoors can begin after 1wk to ensure they are old enough to digest grass bits. But, unless it is in the 90's were you are, you'll have to bring the outdoors in. Boy do they enjoy a clump of dirt with grass attached in the brooder! Plus the dirt doubles as grit!

3rd: You will need to wean the chicks of the light inside first, and being able to put a heat lamp in the coop helps. I have lots of chicks and ducks that cuddle together with heat lamp at night. Most people follow this guide:
Wk 1: 90-95*f Week 3: 80-85*f
Wk 2: 85-90*f Week 4: 75-80*f
You get it, lowering by 5 degrees each week. Of course if the chicks act huddled then raise the temperature! If they act hot and stay as far away as possible from the lamp lower it! Quite simple, really :)

4th: Ventilation is important! Sure, if you have a window that's open in the warm months close that, but install some vents (I'll get some pics of mine later if you would like) and leave them open. Without proper ventilation, the coop can get to moist, and the respiratory infection fairy will visit. In fact, I believe if you search for ventilation on BYC, there is a article someone wrote on it, a very good one.
And go ahead and leave them (maybe not a window) open when it rains :)

5th: Brahmas!!!! Feather feeted, small comb which helps prevent frost bite, beautiful birds, super friendly and my hen (getting more today!! Ek!) lays a large lightly tinted egg every day!

Thank you so much!!! I would live pics of your vents!!! I would probably be getting chicks in the summer. Yeah, I thought it would be better to pick them up. :) Brahmas are my FAVORITE breed!!! I was doing research and Brahmas seemed like the best fit, but I wanted to get your opinion without saying anything. :D
How do I make my chicks NOT scared of me?? I got 8 Barred Rock chicks a couple of days ago and they're about 3 days old...I'm doing my best not to handle them too much because I don't want them to get stressed out. Yesterday, I picked one up for the first time and sat down on the floor and she was walking around the blanket that was on my lap and then she started chirping really loudly!! Like that high pitched scream? She kept running around and around my lap frantically and I was a bit surprised, as most chicks i've seen will just quiet down for a nap....I don't think she was cold because she started chirping the SECOND I picked her up....I didn't squeeze her.... or grab her....In fact I wasn't even touching her when she was in my lap, but she kept trying to jump up on my shoulder and get tangled in my hair. I thought maybe she wanted to be with another chick so I took another one out from the brooder and the other one only joined in the chirping song!!! Am I doing something wrong? I put those 2 chickens back and got a different one and she was a bit quieter....but only stayed quiet for a minute!! They don't seem to ever just quiet down....they're always running around and trying to run away. Should I give them treats?? Are they too young to have treats?? What treats are they allowed to have?? Thanks so much!!

I almost laughed reading that post! Yes baby chicks are quite the chripers! I lay down on my back with one and pet her until she falls asleep <3
They can have treats, but if you put your hand down in the brooder with some chick feed on it they'll normally step on it and crowd around eating! Feed grit for 2 days before giving treats, and you can wet chick mash for a treat!

Good luck!
I have 5 baby chicks that are somewhere between one to two weeks old. I just noticed that one of them is throwing his head back and acting like he is crowing but no sound is coming out. Is that normal?
I've seen baby chicks crow at less then 12 hours, well attempt. lol I think it's fine and sounds like ya got yourself a roo there.

Got a new question for ya, lol
At what age can i start taking my chicks for field trips to the yard? Mine are currently 2 weeks old but theyre getting bigger and restless in their brooder.. almost full wing development, half tail feathers, and lots of random feather patches on their bodies (spine, belly, neck). How warm should it be when i take them? Any special precautions?

I almost laughed reading that post! Yes baby chicks are quite the chripers! I lay down on my back with one and pet her until she falls asleep <3
They can have treats, but if you put your hand down in the brooder with some chick feed on it they'll normally step on it and crowd around eating! Feed grit for 2 days before giving treats, and you can wet chick mash for a treat!

Good luck!
Okay. Thank you!!
We recently bought some chicks and at first they were all huddling together and I thought it was normal as my other ones did. But I have had 4 of them die already. Can the bigger ones ( they might be a week older) be crushing the smaller ones?
We currently have 3 1yr olds who free range. We have 5 5wk old chicks and 14 3 wk old chicks. I have a few questions. I have the chicks in 2 separate containers. I would like to combine them into one. Can I do that? Also, when can I put them outside? When can I put them in with the big chickens? We were thinking of buying a small coop from tractor supply and putting them in there outside with a heat lamp for awhile before putting them in with the big girls. Thoughts on how I should do all this? Temps at nite have been 20-30 and 40-60 in the day.
Got a new question for ya, lol
At what age can i start taking my chicks for field trips to the yard? Mine are currently 2 weeks old but theyre getting bigger and restless in their brooder.. almost full wing development, half tail feathers, and lots of random feather patches on their bodies (spine, belly, neck). How warm should it be when i take them? Any special precautions?

Well, take them!!! Stay with them full time, keep them enclosed!

Take them on a warm sunny day, signs of cold (huddling) take them in!
We recently bought some chicks and at first they were all huddling together and I thought it was normal as my other ones did. But I have had 4 of them die already. Can the bigger ones ( they might be a week older) be crushing the smaller ones?
Hi WhoStettler,

Huddling together can mean they are cold. I've brooded bantams with standards so I don't think are crushing the small ones. Also they could be too hot and trying to get away from the heat.

Here is a handy temp guide:

week 1 = 90-95f
week 2 = 90-85f
week 3 = 85-80f
week 4 = 80=75f

And you go down about 5f per week until they are even with outside temps :)
We currently have 3 1yr olds who free range. We have 5 5wk old chicks and 14 3 wk old chicks. I have a few questions. I have the chicks in 2 separate containers. I would like to combine them into one. Can I do that? Also, when can I put them outside? When can I put them in with the big chickens? We were thinking of buying a small coop from tractor supply and putting them in there outside with a heat lamp for awhile before putting them in with the big girls. Thoughts on how I should do all this? Temps at nite have been 20-30 and 40-60 in the day.


Well I think it is fine to introduce the chicks to each other. Just put them in one by one and watch to make sure no one gets hurt :)
When it is in the 60's I would take them outside for daytrips, and bring them inside ant any signs of chill.

I would wait to put them outside full time until it is 40-50 at night consistently. They will still need a heat lamp.

My 3-6wk chicks and ducks are with the big chickens. But I have a big coop, and was able to section the chicks off for a couple weeks and let them out occasionaly. We also got rid of the bully hens and replaced them with a docile breed. I don't suggest doing this! It works for me and I will do it again, but if not done right it can be risky.
Once you have them in the small coop I would say let them (and big chickens) see each other through wire. Once these chickie's get fully feathered (8-12wks) start slowy introducing them. Just make sure you are there and the chickies have space to get away from a bully. :)

Best of luck!
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