At what age can you tell gender


5 Years
May 28, 2014
just got these cuties sunday was wondering how long before I'd know there gender? And does anyone recognize what kind they are? Thank you.
They look bronze. Where did you get them from? That would determine if they are a broad Breasted (Commercial) or heritage. I can usually tell at a pretty young age, but then again, I do a really good hen squeak and that normally makes the jakes strut even if they don't have anything to strut with. As they get older, I can usually tell at the top of the shank. Hens will stay a little smaller.
I got my 12 chicks all different breeds from our local feed store, they were all seperated according to breed and they were all hens.. Pullets i think you all call them on here.. lol im new and still learning.. they order roosters seperate according to who wants them. Ive seen alot on here of not knowing whether or not thier chicks were m/f. Do most buy straight run? Buy from local farms? Im just curious. :)
For the fair we buy st run or whichever is cheaper. This year, there will be fewer kids with turkeys because of the crazy weather. Ours have to be a certain age by the market week and there were no hatcheries that sell to the public hatching at the time we needed them.

I called feed stores in 3 counties and found one that is a 50+ mile one-way trip. At least our 4H will have some.

I used to keep heritage breeds, but the last one flew off a few weeks ago when the dog got in the yard. I think I'll try again when I have a flight net above the pen.
just got these cuties sunday was wondering how long before I'd know there gender? And does anyone recognize what kind they are? Thank you.

We have been doing this with chickens and it seems to work.

If you can hold the bird on your lap, laying on it's back, at any age, if it holds it's feet up close to it's back, it is probably a hen. If it extends it's legs or even just one leg, you probably have a tom. This, I find works with day old chicks and poults and seams to be based of their natural defensive posture of male vs female responses in these birds.

Feed Store Turkeys are usually Broad breasted variety
My guess broad breasted bronze
Thank you all, i adore them. I'm amazed at how social the lil guys are compared to their chick friends

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