ATTN: Yokohama Lovers!

I'd like to purchase the "white yokohama & red shoulder yokohama hatching eggs"
If anyone has it to sell pls let me know
Tell me the detail such as price, available quantity & shipping charge
I'm NJ
Thank you!!
Hey everyone, We were original yokohama breeders in '76, all the current stock came from our birds. The original stock came from Germany. We only had red shouldered[some called them red saddled] and the whites came from these birds. We at one time had a around 150 birds. Extremely inbred because we originally only had 2 cocks and 4 hens and all the birds came from these original birds. out of ever 50 chicks hatched we get one great bird, 10 decent birds the rest we called fox food. near the end of our breding the main problem was crooked breast. the best colored birds had the problem the most [only the good die young] we gave 15 of our best birds to a friend in maine and the rest were sold to marti's hatchery , which we heard cackle bought young stock. We bred silver duckwing phoenix, Cye Hyde birds into our yoks and after 4 generations the birds started to become pretty uniform for type and color. They were the best temperd birds I've ever owned. We've been well known breeders and importers or extremely rare breeds, check out our website were gonna try find some old pics of our birds. we now breed Naked Necks in all colors and Mottled Javas , speckled sussex. just wanted to share, miss them but hated the small gene pool and the problems that caused. Frank @ Bayshore
hi. I hope you can help to solve a problem.
I have seen yokohamas with peacomb
and yokohamas with a walnut comb
im confused are this different breeds or the one with the walnut is a minohiki descendant?

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yes the birds with walnut combs resemble "type wise" Minohiki. But was always told that yoks "red shoulder" were developed in Germany using Japanese birds. Was also told pea combs were exceptable but we culled out any pea comb birds that cropped up. Not sure if this answered your question. Just looked at your 3 cock birds like the type of the 1st and 3rd. They are the same breed...Frank
yea thats pretty clear thank you.

my yokos are all brothers and sisters bad thing, I wanna avoid the inbreeding , gotta find some white phoenix to make some strong yokos
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hey I gave my best birds to a friend in Maine, we have lost touch.Am gonna try and find him. If he still has them could be the saver of this breed. will keep this thread posted. his would be inbred also but the birds I gave him had size, correct color and straight breast excellent hard eye [game] no wattle excellent patterns on the hens [very important] Frank @ Bayshore
my rooster has a crooked breast is that a bad thing?
can I still take him to the exhibition show?
how common is in yokohamas the crook breast?
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Saw some nicw ones at the German National in Frankfurt.
I would like to breed them if I can find some good breeding stock or eggs. PM me if you have any info.
You can take him there as long as no judge catches his crooked breast, bet it happens though, easy to spot/feel. Called taking a risk...Frank at Bayshore

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