Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Hi everyone, I've been lurking here with nothing to add for a while, so sorry if I've missed anything of importance to any of you.

However, I can now officially tell you that WE HAVE EGGS!!!!!  After all this time, two of my girls have started laying ... nice brown eggies, with hard shells, not overly large of course, but oh my goodness can you tell I'm excited :celebrate  now I can say I have laying chooks :thumbsup   I wanted to thank you all for your support, guidance and friendship while waiting for this to occur, now I feel I should be able to post a little more (still not much as I'm very new to chooks and am learning from you all with your posts, learning so much that often I forgot to post myself).

Yay the wait is finally over :weee :celebrate
Happy Easter everyone. I hope you all have a great day :) I have family coming which means i get to spend the day with my stunning little nephews again today. Now if this rain would go away for the day that would be great .
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there's nothing quite so satisfying as eating your own fresh grown eggs. Enjoy !

Good morning folks

I have given the girls the mower clippings but not when the lawn has been long; mainly just in the dryer months when the lawn just needs a ‘token’ clip.

Nu2chooks15 woot woot and a huge CONGRATULATIONS!

OK, I am not going to wish any more rain on myself but I am better prepared for when it happens. The permanent and temporary (soon to be permanent) run now have a rain coat; OK, I will not be able to stop the run off but we will now not be adding to it with water from above.

When we were carrying out the renovations yesterday, the big gals lost their favourite perching spot and the littlies lost there little perch altogether; this has been fixed up this morning.

After a day and a half of mucking them around and moving stuff, I am now just going to leave them in peace to enjoy!

I have a garden shed to clean out


Yay the wait is finally over
Thank you all for your support over the past few months while waiting for these "point of lay" girls to finally live up to laying for me
... I must admit to starting to feel a bit down with having them for almost 3 months before they started laying, when it was supposed to be just a couple of weeks ... I was thinking I was doing something wrong but no it was just they didn't want to start just yet.
Good morning folks and a very Happy Easter to all

Sidhe13 I am no expert and this is just my opinion but I believe if your broody could cover all the eggs she would. She should push and rearrange them herself so that they are all together and she has them covered. If, after she has done that, you can still see eggs she probably does have too many.

Nu2chooks15 again, just my opinion, but I did not think you were doing anything wrong, more that your ‘point of lay’ girls were either not ‘point of lay’ or just bad timing with the weather (hot) and moulting season etc.

Bambrook Bantams has now been a no-egg zone for 12 days! In the past month we have had a grand total of 13 eggs.

Our two runs are covered in wire topped with shade cloth. Yesterday I went to Bunnings and purchased 3 x clear plastic shower curtains ($5 each) and pegged them to the existing shade cloth.

The run rain coats helped overnight (more rain!) and appear to have stopped quite a lot of additional water adding to the existing problem in both runs.

If I can keep any additional water out, more chance of the runs drying out when the sun is actually shining.

Today we have a 50% chance of showers but only 1 to 3 mm; here’s hoping we see some sunshine
Happy easter everyone! Haven't had time to post lately. My new job keeps me busy! I like busy!

Sooo the chicken who hatched the last chicks is broody once again! She is goin to be a regular broody by the looks of it. Question is do I want to give in?

We are on egg count down for the last hatch. They'll be 20 weeks in may. Im excited!
Hey AussieChics Welcome Back and Happy Easter to you also.

I also like busy … I hope you are enjoying your new job.

As you know, asking this thread if you should “give in” is just going to bring all of the lurking enablers out of hiding; including me

Having said that, I have this thing were I do not give into a broody unless she has had a good break from her last hatch to give her lots of time to recondition. I gave into Cilla as it had been 12 months since her last hatch. Blondie went broody 3 months after her last hatch left the nest and I made a judgement call that she was not ready.

I say, if she has built up enough condition and you want more bubbies, go for it! But that is the enabler delurking
Nu2chooks15 again, just my opinion, but I did not think you were doing anything wrong, more that your ‘point of lay’ girls were either not ‘point of lay’ or just bad timing with the weather (hot) and moulting season etc.
Yup. I got some Wyandotte babies which were listed as "point of lay" and were perhaps 8 weeks old. Someone didn't understand what "point of lay" means. Opinions seem to vary. They're still tiny. XD Beautiful though.

Congratulations Nu2chooks15!! Your first eggs are always so exciting!!

One of the babies failed to thrive and passed away last night. :( The last one - named Pipper by a friend who is staying with us over the weekend - is very healthy and running around like a little psycho but is crying out for its nestmate. :( It seems to be calming down, though. Finally eating and drinking well. I had to reintroduce it to the feeder and waterer a few times before it got the hint.

Otherwise I'm working on cross stitch and study today. A nice, relaxed weekend at home. :D

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