Auto Feeder

Spoof. I won the auction and paid, now time to wait. I'll try to post pics of how I set it up and if it's successful.
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How is everyone's working out?

My two arrived and I've been going through prototypes to find the perfect varmit/bug/rain/hurricane proof feeder.

Ended up with a nice pipe feeder using 4" pipe, it holds 15-20lbs of feed and I can fill it from the outside. Moisture/humidity does not affect it like it did using a bucket. Most importantly, the fire and sugar ants have not figured out how to steal the feed nor moved a nest on top of it. Success!


Just got mine painted the end that hangs out red using 5 gal bucket didn't take them long to figure out how to use it love it
Mine is still going strong, it holds 9 days of feed for 7 LF. They only go through a pound a day using it wether I use crumbles or pellets. It's saved me a ton in wasted feed.
I've since built a second one of these and used the round cap at the bottom. This is apparently a bad idea as it allows the rain to drip down to the tip and the feed soaks it up with a serous wind/rain event.

In comparison my flat bottom one - with more element exposure - remained dry. So if you do build one that is exposed, use the flat style caps!

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