B Vitamin Dosage For Treating Wry Neck

I don't think foraging and eating greens is going to be enough of a diet for them, they aren't like wild ducks, and they'll need a healthy nutritious diet for egg laying
No of course! They all get the Grani-Mix. I just mean they are free to roam outside and eat fresh produce from the garden and all of the pests in our vegetable patch. It's pellets with added crushed corn, wheat, sorghum, barley, sunflower seed, peeled oats, buckwheat, broken peas and molasses. They all get a basic feed and then they are welcome to forage all day for fun.

The ducklings have chick crumb with nutritional yeast for another few weeks and then I'll look at the grower mix for waterfowl until they're 12 weeks.
No of course! They all get the Grani-Mix. I just mean they are free to roam outside and eat fresh produce from the garden and all of the pests in our vegetable patch. It's pellets with added crushed corn, wheat, sorghum, barley, sunflower seed, peeled oats, buckwheat, broken peas and molasses. They all get a basic feed and then they are welcome to forage all day for fun.

The ducklings have chick crumb with nutritional yeast for another few weeks and then I'll look at the grower mix for waterfowl until they're 12 weeks.
okay, I must have misread, apologies!

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