Baby Butter

So I am thinking about makeing my butters a therpy chicken/ servivce animal , I suffer from depression and social anxity disorder not to mention a dozen physical illnesses so I want to train her to ride around with me so My quetion si what do you think would work best , I used an old beatup soft diaper bag whenI took her out today but she had to really stretch up to see out can anyone think of any other over the sholder bag or something that would have lower sides , do you think a wrap used for babies woud work ,not the carriers but the wraps that are just big pices of fabric or do you think a little stroller or soemthing that I could attatch a water dish and food dish to would be better , any ideas or brain storms?
Butter sitting in her diaper bag inside the shopping cart.
A close up picture =)

Another angle
I'm thinking of that silly girl, Paris Hilton, with her dogs in the handbag now. You could do something like that maybe? If she's in a bag that you can hold under your arm she won't get shaken around too much when you carry her around and she'll be safe tucked under your arm like that. As long as she doesn't get too warm...

You are going to convert lots of people to the joys of chicken keeping when you go out with her all the time. She's so adorable! And she looks so chilled. What did she think about being in the bag and going shopping with mom?
sumi lol I coudnt walk more then 2 minutes yesterday befor someone stopped me and asked what I had or asked me if that was really a chicken , I went to a farm feed and supply place and walked in the door and all the cashers came and talked to me and her and when I went to get my bedding I think they must have told someone cause like 4 employes came over and started talking to me . The fabric store , doller store , and feed / supply store all let us in and didnt say anything aobut her being there.
Im trying to make my own diaper patter but I dont have any elastic or velcro so Im useing ties so far its stayed on butter and caught poop though its not pretty but the more active seramas just managed to ether wiggle out or get tangled up .
Butter sun bathing in a beam on the floor.
she is so floofy you cant really see the diaper she is wearing lol
She's so pretty! And so like a fluffy toy, you just want to cuddle her
It's good you are putting the word out there that chickens can be amazing pets and companions.

I just had this vision of everyone walking around with Silkie chickens in their handbags instead of tiny dogs. LOL

Give her a big kiss from me and keep the pics coming. I love seeing pics of Butter.
I ENTIRELY agree on your vision, and the world would be a much happier place with little fluffy chickens clucking around instead of those irritating yippy dogs..... YAAAAAY BUTTER!!!!

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