baby pheasant


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 20, 2012
we just had 4 babies born. a friend of mine said that they need help finding food and surviving from another baby bird like a baby chick or what not. is that true? or will they do fine together?
Just sprinkle some game bird starter on the floor around the feeders. While still holding the chick after taking it out the incubator, duck his head into the waterer so he knows where the water is, then set him on the floor and then peck at the feeder with your finger a few times, and then he'll more than likely go over to it and try on his own. Either way, they will peck at the crumbles you put on the ground out of curiosity and eat those, and then eventually find the other food if they didn't get the point from you pecking at it with your finger. Once one figures it out, all the rest will follow. I've got 4 pheasants in the brooder now that all picked it up really fast, even the one I have with curled toes that has a lot of trouble getting around.

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