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Now Iknow where to put the black berries!!

Just read that marigolds may help with replant disease......

Looked in the orchard, and started to dig. Lots of roots. I caved and looked elsewhere. CHecked two other areas, nope, picked another spot. SOn showed up after 3 were in. Dang, forgot to water them. Filled the water barrels, then went in to make dinner.

As these multiply I will move to orchard. Just need to make little plots that are free of roots to give the cane roots a shot at thriving.

The trees DH cut to clear space for the orchard is a cluttered mess. Will take a year or more to clear that mess as we have lots of dead trees to remove before they fall on buildings, a house to paint, a roof to shingle...... there are days I wish I lived in an apartment again......until I walk in the outdoors again. lol
I know what you mean. I lay in bed at night, thinking about all the little green scraps of life sitting in pots waiting to get a chance to spread their roots, and wonder where I'll put them all, and where I'll find the energy to maintain them. Think about the commitment of maintaining a flock of birds, and wonder what it would be like to have a day free of responsibility. Then, I smell the trees, see my fruit trees in bloom, see the greens ready for harvest in the green house, hear the bird songs. I realize I couldn't give all this up for "a life of leisure", knowing full well that I would then find some useless activity to fill my time.
I think about the mom of _______ who still lives at Polyface farm. The son now runs the farm and mom helps out at will, free to do what she wants as she can in her older age. THAT is the retirement I would enjoy. SHe may have passed now, as the books were written some years ago now, but I would like to think she ended her days on the farm she worked to make it thrive. And knowing the next generation will keep her work alive.
Here's a warning to all who intend to use matches as a source of Sulphur for your pepper plants: Read the ingredient label first! i bought a box of Diamond greenlight matches. Should be ok, yeah? Made in USA since 1881. So... that is a good thing, right? After reading the ingredient list, these matches won't be going in my garden!!!

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