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well thay dont care for the regular aromatics, basil, lemon grass, lavender etc.. I put tea tree oil on myself to repel ticks and mosquitoes // oooh you just reminded me to get a praying mantis egg sacks! / they are the only bug that can snatch mosquitoes right out of the sky as they fly past lol // i need them for the ticks more though

I have only seen two praying mantis here over some 20 years.... very cooooool bug.
Bat population took a dive several years ago here. Some 30+ bats a nite used to cruise over the horse paddocks and back yard, then gone due to white nose disease. Now depend on the dragonflies to help.

Ok back to fly spray..... or bouquet of aromatics......does mint work???
our bat population actually seems to be up, last summer I saw more bats around here then in the previous 10 years combined! /

umm, i googled it and it says all varieties of mint can be used to repel and can be used to create a repellant

great that numbers are UP :yesss:

i like to watch the bats and i like to i count while watching :D. Maybe our count will rise this year:fl.

when near the mint, cut a sprig, crushed it well, rubbed on bare arm to test and tucked crushed sprig in hair elastic.--testing.
As for controlling them around property: keep the grass mowed. Don't leave standing water around unless it's a controlled situation: I actually use standing water as a mosquito breeding ground: Keep a rain barrel with either mosquito dunks or a few gold fish. The mosquitoes lay eggs there, but the larvae never get to mature!

I know that deer flies are attracted to dark hair and clothing. So, if I'm working outside, I choose light colored clothing, and cover my dark hair with a hat or kerchief. I also spray my clothing and my exposed skin. It's black fly season now, so I use a lot of repellent. It's the only way to be outside without being attacked. My sensitivity to black flies is such that I welt up even if they just crawl on me. They don't even need to bite me before I react. I intend to play with aromatics in a hat band. Citronella, lemon balm, mint, oregano.
now all the ads are about mosquito control....:th

I think you can turn off that ad stuff on your browser's settings or maybe Google's settings.

I downloaded this app called Duck Duck Go which blocks the trackers and stuff on websites. Google and FB have trackers on most websites, Google is like 75%, FB 25%, plus random other trackers. This thing blocks them all which I like.

And I have all the history based ads and tracking and everything turned off, or so I thought, but it is still blocking trackers from them! And other sites.

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