Back yard rabbit group anyone?

I took the first shipping comment from earlier to be non-serious. It was a remark on the cute pics previously posted. Then someone took it seriously and commented on the difficulty. I imagine it is somehow possible, but would be stressful and have to be by air.

I was recently discussing breeding on another thread--asking if my silver fox does were ready at 6 months old. I'm not sure if you were referring to that, or which. I know from reading that some who keep rabbits outside choose not to breed during winter.
Cause of what??? Could be she is to heavy, this is a big issue.How old is she? Could be an infertile buck or even low sperm count from hot weather. In very hot places , I have seen people use frozen bottles of water so the buck will lay against it to cool himself. I always check the vulva for color before putting her in his cage, and always stay with them. If she is ready to breed, she will be more than willing. I have bread year round using lighting to keep the light hours at least 12 hrs a day. I have raised litters at minus 20 deg, and -70 windchill in an unheated, outdoor structure. Nothing fancy, I had removable panels for wind and snow for the winter. I also always face my pens openings to the East here in Indiana. Our weather nearly always comes from north or west of us. Like I said, I am no expert by any means, Just many years of learning from my family and my own mistakes. Good luck
Well my french lop had 7 babys first time and i bought her pregnant and she had 7 babys then what i think was a false pregnancy and then when it started cooling down i breed her and she had one baby thats 6 weeks old now..ive had her since july and a english lop buck thats her pair.i have another flemish doe that pulled hair even and no babys but she was just at breeding age and ive breed her again and wateing .ive watched everytime and the buck falls off twice and i put them back up..ive decided to worm them ..they seem ti be eating good but it was very hot this long does it take before the buck gets over sterility from heat.its hard to believe that they both have that flemish buck was just now at breeding age but he goes throygh all the motions like hes breed english lop buck is heavier but doesnt seem fat for his size and he goes through the motions too.maybe i need to try checking the vulva next time.
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I'm guessing it is cooling down well there by now. Since you have 2 bucks, and does, I think it is heat related. Follow the feeding guide on the bag they may eat it all in an hour or two, don't give in to begging or treats. Timothy grass hay you can free feed. Keep trying, check the doe, if she is swollen and dark red to purplish in color she will breed readily, even to the point of positioning herself from the moment you put her with him. I have had does chase the buck around and hump him, then breed very well. If you don't think they are in estress, (seems like they are all the time) put her in his cage and him in hers for a couple days. His scent will bring her around. Remember, the length of daylight ours is the controller for all animals breeding and even chickens laying. 12- 14 hours of light a day is optimum. Let us know how it works out. Good luck
Don't know about the worming, I have never wormed or seen worms in my dressed rabbits stool, or digestive tract. They can get the same parasitic skin worms that wild rabbits get, weevils I believe is the name, but this will not effect breeding. Be careful what you use OR better yet, check with your vet.If you don't have stool issues, I don't see the need for worming. Consult an expert though. This, I am not.

Here is a bit about hours of light. If you don't want a horse to breed, keep her in the barn all day and turn her out at night, she will never come into heat, so said a horseman I worked with. Also, scientists were going to put reflective panels into orbit for more sunlight. That idea was quickly dropped after they found it would effect the entire ecosystems cycle of life. Don't play with mother nature haha, we have done enough damage as a species all ready and more to come as people live longer and more being born at record numbers.

Going off subject here, STOP HERE IF YOU ARE EASILY OFFENDED. but it still effects the natural order of things and wildlife's ability to live as well as our future childrens chance to own land enough to do what we do, raise our own food. One country allows 1 child per couple. If you have more, there is a steep tax like penalty to pay. They are literally sleeping on top of one another now, sounds like a good plan to me. 3rd world countries, on the other hand, where they are forced into prostitution as a teenage girl, by her own brothers mind you, unmarriageable, and unwanted now do to this. Birth control is non existent, and they can't even feed themselves, let alone a bunch of kids. voluntary sterilization is the only way to stop the growth. They have Drs doing everything else from all over the world as volunteers, let them help these girls and women who have no choices and treated more like animals than people as far as status in their society. Something will change for us if we don't do it to our self first, nature will come up with a plague to kill off a bunch of mankind, just as it does in every overpopulated animal species on the planet. We can so far, stay ahead of nature with vaccines. THIS IS MY OPINION ONLY HERE EVERYONE. NO OFFENCE MEANT TO ANYONE.
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If anyone in IN. or wishes to travel to Indpls. and you are looking to get into meat production rabbits, I will help you get started with a very small cost. They will be a cross of New Zealand and Californian breeds, none of my stock is related. I will keep does as needed from my stock, always have, I hand picked them at 8 weeks (If you need to change bloodlines, get another buck). Both are top meat rabbits. (smallest bone structure to meat ratio 2 of 6 or so breeds designed for this and fur). I don't breed year round anymore, will start 1st of March, earlier depending on weather. My hands don't work well in the cold anymore. I believe in helping others start in a new venture if I can. That is how I was raised and got started in other animals. Have made new friends this way as well.
PM me if you would like to get into this type of rabbit raising. Do your research, buy or build quality housing, make sure it is something you can devote time, effort, sweat and money in as well as enjoy it. If any of these conditions are in doubt, stay out of this type of animal. These are working animals, not pets. Stock will be available depending on my family's food needs. It will be a requirement to show me pictures of your set up before I invest in your adventure. Do it right the first time, it WILL pay off in the long run. If I don't like what I see, you won't get any of my stock. Remember, any wood corners will be a mess in a short time and will rot, If they can chew it, they will. Treated lumber may kill them, cedar is said to be a health risk as well. All of my cages are suspended, even with all wire cages, during molts of fur, you have a good bit of maintenance to keep them up. I burn off the hair myself. Fast, effective and sanitizing. firestomp

I have mentioned this before but maybe on another area of BYC. BASS Cage Company has anything you can dream of for rabbits, and other critters. The cages are very good, you can get any size you want, upgrade the floor wire to a heavier gauge and get what little you will need to put them together. "J" clips, and the pliers. I also recommend the hanging feeders with screen, They now carry a type that DOES NOT protrude into the cage, I like them very well especially for does and babes. The bucks seem to have had a bit of trouble, but I got them the small hoppers. A 24x30 is good for bucks, a 30 x 36 is good for does and babes, 30x48 is real good but get the 2nd door or buy one and instal it yourself. I use the large plastic crocs in winter and bottles in summer(keeps babes out of water) check them out on line, choose carefully (different heights sold as well. plan ahead and make one order or you will need to order and pay more shipping.) Get a catalog so you can look it over real good before ordering, it's free. Think of what you may need in the future when you buy and build. It sucks to have to build another structure if you want to go bigger, been there and done that years ago. Look at their big systems, it may give you some ideas. You can also buy a huge cage and divide it yourself. It's all up to you.
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Anyone here have an outdoor hutch? I am in the process of making one, that way it can be the size I want. Only concern is my neighbors dogs are always in my yard. They have gotten trough my chicken fence multiple times. I'm a bit worried they will get to my rabbit(s) too. Come spring, they won't be an issue since I am going to hot wire the entire yard, and add an extra strand or two to keep my dog away from rabbits and chicken.
I lost an entire flock of chickens and a buck to dogs, went through 2 layers of 1/2x1 wire like a can opener. one chicken ate, not a mark on anything else. A Bull mastiff and his buddy. The lady actually came and said her dogs did it, she paid for all replacements and repairs. We figured out a way to keep them in the 6 ft tall privacy fence. Chain link is your best bet. you can find used at a lot of fence companies, or just by new and drive in T post. run a tight wire top and bottom. Better yet, hold the neighbor responsible or ??????. lived through many pack attacks as a child. They kill for the hell of it and the chase. I just bit the bullet and fenced in the back yard with chain link. Give them dogs a reason to stay out. You have the right to protect ALL of your property.
Fences make for great neighbors. If they ever do kill, their will be no stopping them, law enforcement, animal control or your own measures will be needed. ONLY SUGGESTING HERE, a .22 shell with bird shot (cheap fix), a bait and lead in area with a lightly covered rat trap or a foot trap. They will get the hint. Of course, it works both ways if your dog runs free!!!!!! So take care of your own before controlling others.
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Chainlink would work. I am looking to be out of this house soon (not because of the neighbors haha) and not sure I want to put the effort into a full out fence. That's why I was toying with hot wire. And the BB gun. Maybe I'll just wait on the outdoor hutch until I get the right fencing in. Or, I can make the hutch into a chicken brooder until spring hehe
just close in the areas needed (just around chickens and hutch) make you a gate, doesn't need to have henges, use the flex of the fence for it. I have used this on my big chicken yard for year with the 2"x4"wire fence. Mine is 7 feet tall. added 2 feet when the dogs went over it from starting from the coop 9 feet there. 5 - 6 foot fence isn't expensive, you can also get the 2x4 inch fence up to 6 feet for about $60 at menards for a 50 foot roll as an alternative to chain link (TSC is a lot higher, don't know about rural kings and others) on line may be an option with free shipping as well. . It's plenty strong enough to keep out dogs. if you will be moving. May want to wait until after the move unless you plan on dragging that heavy thing out of there. good luck
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