Backyard Brahmas!!

Got a few pics of my Brahmakins this AM.. The "feature" girl is my one gold (partridge) pullet from this spring's first hatch.. Got one more coming up plus two blues that are finally shaping up their pattern a little.

Oldest gold girl




Here is blue broody who hatched out three cockerels this summer :/ lol. Big-time molt for her this fall

My NOSY/borderline overly pushy blue cockerel.. He got a whoopin from me yesterday, lol! He thinks EVERYTHING is FOOOOODDD!!!


And a partial shot of the gold girl coming up in that pen
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Not sure if any of you remember but this spring I had a blue cockerel who was beautiful but had SO much bleed through color on his breast.. I have him away. The blue above is looking great and I also have a gold in that group looking equally nice in pattern (in my novice opinion).. So I'm excited about that!! They are quickly losing all their color on the breast. :)
Not sure if any of you remember but this spring I had a blue cockerel who was beautiful but had SO much bleed through color on his breast.. I have him away. The blue above is looking great and I also have a gold in that group looking equally nice in pattern (in my novice opinion).. So I'm excited about that!! They are quickly losing all their color on the breast.
Yes, I remember you asking the question. I've noticed that most of my cockerels clean up as they get their final feathers in. I hadn't really paid attention until you asked, then I worried for a while whether they would lose the color bleed as their adult feathers came in. I'm glad you made me pay attention, now I know the answer!
@bumpercarr awesome! Glad to know it's not just mine. They are beautiful young men.. IMO ;) The original one was way past the age of these two though and had more than twice the color.. Plus he was a bit lean for my taste. These I've raised from chicks and been able to make sure they stay fat & happy and grow to their fullest potential as far as I can help. I like knowing that.
My Brahma has been at point of lay for over 2 weeks and she is now 27 weeks and doesn't fly at all. Any advice on nest box height and size? My others have chosen a milk crate they fly up to. Thanks!

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