Backyard Brahmas!!

My little Brahma enjoyed some sun today


Been slowly getting my flock of lights used to being outside. I know it's cold but we live in harsh country so they've gotta be tough. A little over 8 weeks. They seem to be enjoying the temporary pen....cannot wait for the chicken "Mansion" to arrive!
i think i need to get more better pics for you to help me on the sexes

Sorry, I just noticed some very manly characteristics on that one. I'm currently hoping I have a couple roosters in my straight run batch of EEs but it isn't looking promising. Usually I dont want roosters and get at least half; this time I think I'll be lucky to get one
Hello! I'm new to this thread, but several BYCers suggested I go to Brahma fanciers for answers.

I hatched 3 Dark Brahma chicks from shipped eggs. One was slow feathering and the other two were very fast feathering, with big tails early on. I thought I might have one slow-feathering roo and two fast-feathering pullets, so I went to the "Pullet or Cockerel" thread, and it was confirmed and reconfirmed that I have three pullets, at about 5 weeks.

Well, now they are 9 weeks old. I posted this pic, trying to find out why two of my DBs look like each other, and why the smaller, slow-feathering (bottom of pic #1 ) one looks so very different.
Pic #1

Some said, "Two pullets, one cockerel," and others said, "Two cockerels, on pullet." Everything I've read says that DBs are easy to sex by the feathering by this time, but I really don't know what I have here.
They are supposed to be purebred DBs. Are they? Do you think I truly have three pullets? If so, why do they all look different?

Pic #2 Left to right, Shimmer, Spark (small, slow-feathering), Sabre (higher up, white chest)

Pic #3 Sabre (white chest)

Pic #4 Shimmer (black and white patchy chest)

Pic #5 Spark (Smaller, slow-feathering, evenly penciled chest)

I appreciate any help you can give.
Many of you might have seen this video all over the net.

I think from reading that it went viral on twitter.

Anyways where in the U.S.A. can I get some chicken like that? And what do you think the coop space would be needed per bird.

I don't really want to chance that one may grow that big. I want to know that they will when I purchase them.

So any thoughts?


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