Backyard Brahmas!!

Can anyone tell me where I could get Light and Dark Brahma chicks or pullets in the vicinity of Moore, Hoke, and Richmond Counties in the Sandhills of North Carolina?

They are some of the most beautiful of hens. I'm only going to be able to get 4-6 hens and I want Brahmas, Delawares, and Australorps.

I'm not sure if they ship but I got my light brahma from little birdie hatchery in Wake Forest.

PS, is it abominable of me to think that vulture hocks look really cool? Reminiscent of the "4-winged" microraptor dinosaurs.
I started out with other chickens, but the hawks were killing my guys. I did research to find a BIG chicken that the hawks would leave alone. I already had a Brahma bull and thought it would be neat to have Brahma chickens, too. Thankfully, once they get to a certain size, the hawks leave them alone, so I can free range my guys without worrying.

The other thread is pretty intimadating. There are some really serious breeders there. I understand their wanting perfection in their birds, but I just love Brahmas. I don't care about show quality - the colors I have aren't show-able anyway! It got to where I was afraid to post on that thread. This one is MUCH friendlier. I hope I don't bore y'all with all my pictures, but I have lots of Brahmas and I love to show them off!

This thread is perfect for those of us who just love our Brahmas with or without faults. They are all beautiful!
picture away !! i will be doing the same on and off as my gals and guys grow !! they are still so stinking cute right now lol and fascinating !! all the babies caught a moth together tonight and decide to catch it and try and eat it .... it was cute to watch them fight over something nons of t hem could get in their beaks lol I took it out and fed and watered them again and tried a few meal worms that i kinda crumbled up .. then watched them bumble and fight around over those ... yes they have had grit so the worms aren't hurting them lol
Awww, your pics and stories are making me so envious! My day will come. I just read a post from someone in Ca. who ordered from MPC. and most of their chicks were D.O.A. That's horrid! I'm in WA. state, so they'll be travelling just as far. Now I'm worried. Has anyone on here ordered from MPC?
mderby48, It's crazy how intimidating someone else's text can be, huh? I posted sometimes, but got ignored a lot, and I found out that silence is pretty intimidating too! What hatchery did you order from? Mine will be coming from MPC. four buff and two lights. All female. Man I'm so excited!

I agree, being ignored is just as intimidating. My buffs came from tsc and I believe they order from MT. Pleasant, the lights I ordered from A&j farms. I chose them because they elate only a few hours away so I figured the chicks would have a better chance of survival. We ordered 25 chicks total and all were alive though they only sent 8 leghorns and we ordered 10. I didn't complain. A few days later one of my light Brahma died unfortunately. Its impossible to find Brahma around me. I have no choice but to order from a hatchery. They are beautiful anyway so I don't mind :)
The other thread needs to be titled "Show Quality Brahma Thread" or something so that people are not having these experiences with those guys. It's unacceptable to be treated like that.

I want to see more pictures from all of you with established flocks and new babies too. There's nothing like comparing birds as they grow. Mine will be 5 weeks old this coming week and I want them outside NOW. But alas, it's cold and snowing and I don't have an extra heat lamp. I still have week-olds that share the lamp. Every time I lift the screen off the brooder they all come flying out, crazy, ripping all over the place. They want to run so bad and I want them to be able to. Come on Spring!!!!
Well, the other thread was started years ago, and that was the name they chose, so we're fine here. Besides, being in alphabetical order, this one pops up first, and it won't take long to figure out which one we prefer. I'm still visiting both threads as I've got so much more to learn. Lets try not to revisit any ill feelings, but instead move forward from here.
I got plenty of snow last night and today found two of my favorite Maples with broken limbs. Since they're blooming, they collected a ton of heavy wet snow and couldn't take the weight. One can be saved the other, I'm not so sure.
michellemcfeely, I'll let you know how it goes, but by then it'll probably be too late for you to get chicks. You might be better off to call some feed stores and see if they can get any Brahmas. At least that way you can see them first.

the guys and dools are growing fast
but for a friendly breed they sure act like they hate me lol ... ill just keep trying ... i do love their fluffy cuteness though
Silver1313...I took a few pics of my mixed chicks when I cleaned the brooder today. The crosses are a light roo over dark hens. The chicks are two weeks old....parents came from Mcmurray. I hatched them along with an assortment of eggs that I got from friends. Hope this helps you visualize what yours may look like.

The three in the back are Brahmas... crosses on the left and in the middle...the one drinking is a light.

Closer shots of two crosses.


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