Backyard Brahmas!!

SD Bird Lady,
That's so awful about the dog attack. Did you lose all of your chickens? I'm sad for you.
I only have experience with chicks from Cackle hatchery, however I have great birds and I see no reason not to reccommend them for Brahmas. My girls are actually colored like Brahmas, they are about 7 lbs. each, and they're laying like crazy... Just sayin'. :)
I also loved my ladies from Cackle so glad to hear it wasn't a fluke. I got impatient so just ordered from Cackle this morning. 10 Lt. Brahma Pullets 1 Lt Brahma Cockerel and 5 EE pullets. Thanks!
SD Bird Lady,
That's so awful about the dog attack. Did you lose all of your chickens? I'm sad for you.
I lost all but 1...she is a LF Light Brahma, one of the originals. She is still laying even with the stress of the attack so I have/ will be leaving her eggs in the coop in hopes that maybe she will go broody and raise "the replacements" I'm really not expecting it to work but if it does I will be over the moon with joy.

I got 5 chicks in January to add to my original 5 so they would all be lying before winter and have 4 leghorns in the basement growing out so I am about sick of chickens in the basement. Our cat also had her kittens in the basement so I just want everything to grow up and move out......spring will you ever arrive??

Also, thank you everyone for your concern. I really appreciate the kind words.
Oh dear, looks like you "won" the chicken lottery!
Oh no.
My mother is still hopeful that we have at least 2 girls because Brownie acts a lot like Shay. Anyone know of any very late blooming pullets? I've read that you can be easily fooled by this breed until a certain age. But I still think we only have one lady in the man house. Poor girl.
Mine are keeping me guessing. One is obviously a roo. Two are likely pullets and the fourth... I can't tell!
They're almost six weeks old. What is that "magic age" anyway?
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Another hint for early gender guesses, that I actually got on the EE thread, is cockerels combs even if not red yet, will look like 3 rows while a pullets will only look like one. By 6 weeks the 3 row look should be obvious.
Yeah, learned that one too when I got EE last year. It turned out I didn't need it because they were all pullets but it's good to know. But with these brahma's non-standard combs, I'm up a creek. I don't know what they are in more ways than one, lol.
Are light brahmas slow to feather? My little girl (6 weeks old) still has a good amount of fuzz while all my other chicks (same age) have all feathered out.

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