Backyard Brahmas!!


These two got caught in a rain shower so I used the blow drier on them, and now they think that whenever a towel is around they should snuggle in it and wait for the blow drier! Absolutely rotten!! LOL
If you'll look closely, you can see the one we call BB spreading her wing. BB stands for Blowdry Baby because when you bring out the blow drier, she wraps her wings around your wrist so you can get all of her feathers. LOL Now we use the blow drier on them just because it's cute to watch :)
I was hoping to have new pics up this week but I've now joined the group of those here who are having problems hatching. This spring everything went great but my shipped eggs (due to hatch yesterday) were all bad and my broody broke an egg a few days ago that I just found yesterday. The smell was horrible and I'm sure the nest is just full of bacteria so the rest of those eggs (due Friday) probably won't hatch either. I have one more incubator full, due to hatch the 24th, and then I'm done for the year. Keeping my fingers AND toes and such crossed!
I have two light brahmas. (I know they dont look very light to me!) This one is always having a bad hair day. The other one, not pictured, is all nice and well groomed and neat. What is with this one? The yellow is a buff cochin.
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I have two of these light brahmas. (I know they dont look very light to me!) This one is always having a bad hair day. The other one is all nice and well groomed and neat. What is with this one?
Aww:) that's what my Light Brahma looked like, I questioned how it was possible to go lighter as it aged(ya I'm sure you can tell I'm a now at 14 weeks she's my favorite.

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