Backyard Brahmas!!

I gave the three little girls some oatmeal after soaking it in warm water, They love it!!! They took little bits from my fingers, and it was the first time I thought they might actually like me! It was the best moment. Thanks for the suggestions!
I gave the three little girls some oatmeal after soaking it in warm water, They love it!!! They took little bits from my fingers, and it was the first time I thought they might actually like me! It was the best moment. Thanks for the suggestions!

Try giving them bread too. My guys and gals go nuts over it! Glad your babies are learning to love you :)
Vickis Girls I think the best 'treat' for little chicks is to let them out in the grass. They find goodies for themselves and love to be outdoors running and stretching their wings. The second best treat...a little cooked egg.
I reserve any bread or other bakery goods for when they are adults. They DO love it but it doesn't have much nutritional value....kind of like feeding candy to a baby.

Speaking of letting chicks out....I have some one week olds that haven't been out yet. Going to set up a pen now......
Oh my! Yes they do love running in the grass! It is the most adorable thing to watch them learn to take a dust bath :) I agree with Huntress78, cooked eggs are always a hit. Having been a dog trainer since I was a young girl, I tend to train my chicks the same way as I would a puppy. Treats are given sparingly, attention and playtime are given more frequently. By using random positive reinforcement, you can have your chicks trained to come when you call them in no time.

My LB @15 weeks, she is by far my favorite. I love that my girls come up to the patio door wanting treats.
How old is he? Just curious i am waiting for a crow before i get rid of mine.

Beaker is 10 weeks old but I've heard that it can be 16-18 weeks before they crow. I've also heard that some hens crow and what I heard this morning was just a couple of short bursts. Is my denial obvious yet??!!
Feeling the same way about mine who is almost 11 weeks, very masculine noise but no COCK A DOODLE DOO yet....

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