Backyard Brahmas!!

I don't even know what her colour is called! Around the web I've heard it called Isabella, pearl grey partridge, lavender somethingorother, porcelain? She was sold to me in the shell as a Buff Brahma, believe it or not! I love her to pieces.

A whole year to lay, that's amazing. I guess I'll just keep waiting. The Wyandottes lay moderately well and the black-tailed buff Marans are laying machines, so we're fine for eggs right now (in slight surplus, actually, but there is no shortage of takers).

Just drooling over her. Maybe you should find out what kind of roo to breed her with to maintain similar coloring. I would be first in line for those eggs!

Brahmas seem to be all over the spectrum for laying. My other girl was an early bird and she started in at 5 months. She took a few months off last winter, but faithfully gave us at least 5 purple-spotted (yes, legit purple) eggs a week for the rest of her life.
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I'm afraid we're suburban so no roos here :/

Purple-spotted? Huh! My Marans (I suspect - they're not shaped like the Wyandotte eggs) occasionally produce a mid brown egg with purplish spots, but this Brahma so far is giving me china-white eggs.
dad watching over his brood :)
It's been a while since I've shared my buff brahma. I hatched four and kept one, the prettiest. She's also the one with the black feet (which, as I've said before, are better than yellow!!!!
). It's not a flaw, it's what makes her so beautiful. Her name is Poppy and she's 17 weeks old. Awaiting first eggs, eagerly.

Here you can see her black feet
I'm thinking they may be a light/dark cross. They have always been lighter, and we're almost a palomino color as chicks. I banded them to see what color they would turn out to be since they were so different from the others.
hi everyone, not sure if my last post showed up but this is 'honey bee'bought as a hen....but is now very tall, huge feet and has very long tail feathers....any ideas?

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