Backyard Brahmas!!

My 3 GL Brahma chicks! Haven't decided on names for these little ones yet, tough picking out unisex names for chickens! You can see in the top photo they were introduced to the other girls, and they have been accepted, yay!

My 3 GL Brahma chicks!  Haven't decided on names for these little ones yet, tough picking out unisex names for chickens!  You can see in the top photo they were introduced to the other girls, and they have been accepted, yay!

Sometimes the name that sticks isn't he one you plan on. I have one named "white chicken" because she was the only white one hatched in that clutch. We have "Vulture" since he has vulture hocks, and we have "Chuck" because she has webbed feet like a duck.... CH icken / d UCK. Chuck is a pullet :lau
LOL. Thought about naming out little vulture hock kid after one of the vultures in "The Jungle Book"! Honey isn't sold on the idea. Names will come eventually, just seeing what their personalities turn out too. Our Favs are so goofy we ended up naming them after fruit!
I named mine after their personalities, one looked very girly and I call her nina and the other very rooster like called her boyo, very funny to think names for your hens you never know their names come to you naturaly!!! have fun raising your babies.

Caught this guy/girl mid poop :)
Yeah, but I'm no stranger to poop! Between my dogs, snakes, lizards, and working as professional groomer, poop is just part of life.
One of the others pooped on me too during that "photo shoot". Gotta love 'em.
I'm naming the chickens after chicken dishes to remind us all that chickens are, in the final analysis, food -- as much as we are enjoying them as pets.

The only Light Brahma is Rosemary, because she (I have that head shot in the camera but the batteries died), is large and already has a stately, hopefully matronly look to her. The two Darks are Noodle, because she's a funny, little thing who will come right up to be picked up and petted, and Kiev. Kiev was nameless until a couple days ago. Then I saw her standing on the ramp with her head held up in that wonderful, regal way that Brahmas do and thought that she needed a name as regal as her posture.

Of course after a moment she went right back to romping about like a little kid, but even princesses who were born to be queens get to play when they're little.

It was the feathers on the feet that first attracted me to the Brahmas, but on closer exposure its those marvelous, broad, dinosaur-like heads that are making them my favorites for looks.
I name my Silkies after spices. They are not necessary, nor are they particularly useful. They do compliment chicken when used sparingly, and add a touch of spice ;)

Hey all, my e-mail got hacked but I'm back and wanted to post an updated photo of my DB's-definitely girls! Yeah, I get to keep them!! CarolinaHen, we thought they might be boys along with Chuck but....

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