Backyard Brahmas!!

I was thinking about getting some and was wondering how you can explain how they act and different things about them.Thanks
I was thinking about getting some and was wondering how you can explain how they act and different things about them.Thanks
From what I've read so far & what my cousin that raises them has said they are great backyard friendly birds... Docile & good with kids... Average layers usually every other day... Not very loud or flighty like some production birds can be... They are huge placid birds... They do eat a lot from what my cousin says...they handle summer & winter well... We live in Texas & he's never had a problem with Texas summer heat... They're a hardy all around bird
Cool... I'm doing hens only right now until I get my feet wet. Then I might hatch a few out... I won't ever have a rooster until I have a country spread somewhere

Be careful! A lot of critters can climb right over the top and get to them. I'm a bit overprotective but I couldn't forgive myself if I could have prevented something horrible.
From what I've read so far & what my cousin that raises them has said they are great backyard friendly birds... Docile & good with kids... Average layers usually every other day... Not very loud or flighty like some production birds can be... They are huge placid birds... They do eat a lot from what my cousin says...they handle summer & winter well... We live in Texas & he's never had a problem with Texas summer heat... They're a hardy all around bird
Thanks Jwitty
I will most likely be getting some.
I'm a newbie but I must say our light brahma "Suzy Blue" is awesome! The LB is perfect for getting rid of the bugs in my yard. My LB
is huge, people and animal friendly but stubborn... We have yet to get an egg from her.

I'm a newbie but I must say our light brahma "Suzy Blue" is awesome! The LB is perfect for getting rid of the bugs in my yard. My LB
is huge, people and animal friendly but stubborn... We have yet to get an egg from her.

She's very pretty! Our light Brahmas, hatchmates, began to lay at very different times. One began at 5 months, and the other held out for almost a year!
My LB is huge, people and animal friendly but stubborn... We have yet to get an egg from her.
Do you keep an eye on her when she's in the yard? I suspect that my sassy girls were laying while out free ranging because one weekend when they were confined to the coop/run eggs magically appeared in the nest boxes. Coincidence? I don't think so.
Do you keep an eye on her when she's in the yard? I suspect that my sassy girls were laying while out free ranging because one weekend when they were confined to the coop/run eggs magically appeared in the nest boxes. Coincidence? I don't think so.
Yes, I only allow my girls out when someone can be with them. I know she hasn't laid since they are kept in the coop & run until 5pm.
Now that they've been in the run for several weeks and been given free access to the feed and plenty of ragweed from my untended garden and unsalable produce from the fruit stand where I work, Noodle has grown to the point where I can't tell her apart from Kiev anymore except when she comes up to the door of the run to be petted.

Most chicken breeds concentrate their beauty in the roosters, but Dark Brahma hens are nearly as gorgeous as the boys.
Can an EE to lay brown eggs? I have an EE (23wks old) who I thought hasn't laid yet. I checked the boxes this morning and I found one egg obviously just laid as it was still very warm, my EE was in the coop and the other girls were in the run eating. I have two other ones that I know are laying since I've seen them(BR & BA). Could it be my EE's or was it maybe just her curiosity?

*the egg in question*
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