Backyard Brahmas!!

Now that they've been in the run for several weeks and been given free access to the feed and plenty of ragweed from my untended garden and unsalable produce from the fruit stand where I work, Noodle has grown to the point where I can't tell her apart from Kiev anymore except when she comes up to the door of the run to be petted.

Most chicken breeds concentrate their beauty in the roosters, but Dark Brahma hens are nearly as gorgeous as the boys.
They are beautiful ladies. I hope to get some.....someday!
Can an EE to lay brown eggs? I have an EE (23wks old) who I thought hasn't laid yet. I checked the boxes this morning and I found one egg obviously just laid as it was still very warm, my EE was in the coop and the other girls were in the run eating. I have two other ones that I know are laying since I've seen them(BR & BA). Could it be my EE's or was it maybe just her curiosity?

*the egg in question*
It is possible for an EE to lay a brown egg. I can't tell you the exact genetics of it but instead of having a blue egg with brown over lay (green egg) she may have inherited a white egg with brown overlay gene (brown egg)
Can an EE to lay brown eggs? I have an EE (23wks old) who I thought hasn't laid yet. I checked the boxes this morning and I found one egg obviously just laid as it was still very warm, my EE was in the coop and the other girls were in the run eating. I have two other ones that I know are laying since I've seen them(BR & BA). Could it be my EE's or was it maybe just her curiosity?

*the egg in question*

Unfortunately, being EE tells you nothing about egg color.

Its a marketing trick -- one that I consider to be treading on false advertizing territory -- to designate any mutt chicken with any blue egg layer breed somewhere in its genetic background as an Easter Egger. But there is always a fine print note somewhere saying that "Easter Eggers can lay eggs of any color".

IMO, in a more just and truthful world that term would be reserved only for chickens guaranteed to lay eggs that are something other than the standard white and standard brown. But the facts of the matter are as stands.
I've got some good shots of Rosemary's head, neck, and back now. She (I hope she, not he), was hatched on June 19th so she's just over 8 weeks right now.

With Noodle, the smaller of the Darks and Sesame, the smaller of the Delawares.

You can get a good idea of her overall mass here.

I picked her up while she was eating sweet corn and wasn't really happy about it.

The colors look pointy on some of these feathers but the feathers themselves seem to be rounded.

Likewise here at the tail end.

You can see that she's as big or bigger than the red boys.

So, Rosemary? Or Rose-Marion?
I've got some good shots of Rosemary's head, neck, and back now. She (I hope she, not he), was hatched on June 19th so she's just over 8 weeks right now. With Noodle, the smaller of the Darks and Sesame, the smaller of the Delawares. You can get a good idea of her overall mass here. I picked her up while she was eating sweet corn and wasn't really happy about it. The colors look pointy on some of these feathers but the feathers themselves seem to be rounded. Likewise here at the tail end. You can see that she's as big or bigger than the red boys. So, Rosemary? Or Rose-Marion?
My light Brahma boy was crowing and had a well established bright red three rowed comb and wattles going on by 8 weeks. I'm no expert but I would bet good money that you've got a girl on your hands there!
I have a question, I have a 24 week old LB who has laid a few eggs. I've noticed that they're HUGE. This morning she laid another very large egg, now she seems off. Normally she's a chatter box, but nothing. She's sitting in the run with her back end way up, or she'll stand and close her eyes almost asleep. She is walking but very slowly. What could be the problem?
I have a question, I have a 24 week old LB who has laid a few eggs. I've noticed that they're HUGE. This morning she laid another very large egg, now she seems off. Normally she's a chatter box, but nothing. She's sitting in the run with her back end way up, or she'll stand and close her eyes almost asleep. She is walking but very slowly. What could be the problem?
It's hard to say...she may just be tired out. Is she eating OK? Does she perk up if you offer her a treat?
I guess I would put some electrolytes/vitamins in her water for a day and keep an eye on her.
Ok well I think I've figured it out (I'm a newbie) she had a rubber egg and there was yolk in the ground. I'm guessing trying to pass a third egg?? She's up and eating and very mobile.
I have a question. I have three chicks which are two months old and were vaccinated for Marecks. I now have little chicks which I hatched in the brooder who were not vaccinated. Does anyone know if the vaccinated birds are now carriers and can actually give the babies Marecks? I never thought about this before, and I'm worried. Makes me wish I hadn't ordered vaccinated birds, but I thought I was doing the right thing. Now I think I made a poor choice.

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