Backyard Brahmas!!

Jwhitty, you've really transformed that old swing set! Kudos to you. Looks like the girls like their shelter too, and by the way, they're beautiful. I love the partridges.
Thanks.... They started laying again... They stopped laying the last week of August but the weather finally cooled off a bit & they seem to be doing better... I'm feeding pellets but they don't seem to like them much... I bring them a snack in the evening & they come running like they haven't eaten in days...;-/ I'm leaving they're feed out during the day cause we are gone until 1700... Any advice on how others are feeding would be great... I know a lot of people don't leave feed out all day but we are gone at work until 1700 & it's just barely daylight when I leave... I
Cute pics Jwhitty!

I keep the feeders filled at all times even though they have a big planted pen and get to free range for 5-6 hours a day. I do it mostly for the young birds that don't venture far from the coop but also for days of bad weather when none of them want to wander. Right now they're molting and this summer we had a lot of noisy construction equipment in the makes me feel better knowing they have good food available during times of stress.

I wanted to add that even though my birds have all this food available they come running for treats and act starved too. I call them an hour or so before dark to get them back in the pen and it's a stampede. Some of them have crops so full they can hardly run but they all mob me when I call and the treat can is in my hand!
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I also leave food out all day. My flock free ranges over almost 3 acres, but the food trough is usually empty by the end of the day, and yes, I think I could go outside every 15 minutes with treats and it would never be enough for their greedy little guts!

Since it has been raining for the past week, my dark Brahma, Frack, has gone back to sleeping in the living room at night. She has her own bed where she comes in to lay her eggs and now is coming to the house instead of going to the coop in the evenings. She is a spoiled one! Blackie, my Jersey Giant, also lays her eggs inside. They both seem to be housebroken, waiting until they go back outside to do their business.

I also leave food out all day. My flock free ranges over almost 3 acres, but the food trough is usually empty by the end of the day, and yes, I think I could go outside every 15 minutes with treats and it would never be enough for their greedy little guts! Since it has been raining for the past week, my dark Brahma, Frack, has gone back to sleeping in the living room at night. She has her own bed where she comes in to lay her eggs and now is coming to the house instead of going to the coop in the evenings. She is a spoiled one! Blackie, my Jersey Giant, also lays her eggs inside. They both seem to be housebroken, waiting until they go back outside to do their business.
OMG-this is amazing! I would love have this kind of set up! I can't believe they don't poop all over-so great.
OMG-this is amazing! I would love have this kind of set up! I can't believe they don't poop all over-so great.

They both seem to be housebroken, going to the front door and cackling to be let out. None of our other chickens are, though, so only Frack and Blackie get to come in for extended visits. Blackie even tried to go broody in the living room, but we successfully transferred her to an unused coop where she hatched her 6 chicks.

Frack did go broody in the kitchen about 3 or 4 years ago. It was so neat watching her parade her chicks through the living room to the front door every morning and then back inside every evening. She's one in a million! This was the only time she ever was broody.
Some updated pics of my GL Brahmas! Pepper is our favorite of the 3, I know now that the VH is bad, but it's why I picked that chick! Looks kinda like my puffy butt dogs!

All 3, plus my Columbian Wyandottes puff

Pepper (darker) and Ginger (lighter)

Cinnamon, getting a dust bath started with my CL Sassafras

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