Backyard Brahmas!!

A month later Marion is developing quite a nice crow. Not as loud as the red boys who got sent to freezer camp, thankfully. And he has a pleasant tone to his voice. If no neighbors complain I'll keep him unless he becomes aggressive.
How old is your boy that is starting to crow? Both of my cockerels are nearly 7 months old and NEITHER crows. They still peep like little chicks. It is a pretty pitiful sound coming from such big boys!
I remember my Blue Andalusian started crowing earlier than my Brahma cockerel. Although I can't remember the exact age of when the Brahma started. I'll be waiting to see when my two darks start.
I usually just read these posts, but just to add that my Brahma cockerels don´t tend to crow until after they actually look like cocks. They stay babies a long time.
Thanks for posting this! There may still be hope for my boys yet. The pullets haven't even considered laying yet. I knew that heritage stock matured slower than hatchery stock, but had no idea the cockerels would still be peeping at nearly 7 months old. It is quite funny to hear that little sound come from such a huge body!
Thanks for posting this! There may still be hope for my boys yet. The pullets haven't even considered laying yet. I knew that heritage stock matured slower than hatchery stock, but had no idea the cockerels would still be peeping at nearly 7 months old. It is quite funny to hear that little sound come from such a huge body!
Agreed, and when they start it´s often such a horrible crow, too...but it improves.
I saw one of my boys breeding yesterday. When he was done, instead of a proud crow he ruffled his feathers, puffed out his chest........... and peeped

I also agree that is sounds pathetic at the beginning. It makes me laugh. But once they mature, I like the deeper tone of the brahma's crow. I have a crowing hen (EE) and her crow is very high pitched.

I also agree that is sounds pathetic at the beginning. It makes me laugh. But once they mature, I like the deeper tone of the brahma's crow. I have a crowing hen (EE) and her crow is very high pitched.
My neighbours have the tiniest bantams I´ve ever seen. araucana, I think...they have no tails and they´re about the size of a quail...and they screach instead of crow, sound like someone´s wringing their necks!

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