Backyard Brahmas!!

I haven't posted here before but had a question. We had 15 light brahma's, most are from hatcheries some are about 9 mo and some are about 16 weeks. We also have or had two a hen and a rooster that we bought from a women that shows them, when we bought them we didn't really ask how old they were bought she said we shouldn't breed them because the were siblings. Well last night the rooster died and I was wondering if it could have been from the cold or if he maybe as just older then we thought. The only inclinations I have to his age that might help you all is he never really tried to mate the other girls and both he and the hen sleep on the floor of the coop. The temp last night was about 2 degrees f and probably -20 with wind chill, but he was the only one that died. I figured that the young chicks would have died from the cold first. I put a heat lamp in tonight( its about 9 degrees right now) but I am second guessing it I was hoping to keep them naturally and have read many people saying that they have chicks that do fine in -30 or even lower temps without heat.
It just seems to happen sometimes. I had a beautiful, apparently healthy Brahma hen on her second lot of eggs, then one morning there she was, dead.
I haven't posted here before but had a question. We had 15 light brahma's, most are from hatcheries some are about 9 mo and some are about 16 weeks. We also have or had two a hen and a rooster that we bought from a women that shows them, when we bought them we didn't really ask how old they were bought she said we shouldn't breed them because the were siblings. Well last night the rooster died and I was wondering if it could have been from the cold or if he maybe as just older then we thought. The only inclinations I have to his age that might help you all is he never really tried to mate the other girls and both he and the hen sleep on the floor of the coop. The temp last night was about 2 degrees f and probably -20 with wind chill, but he was the only one that died. I figured that the young chicks would have died from the cold first. I put a heat lamp in tonight( its about 9 degrees right now) but I am second guessing it I was hoping to keep them naturally and have read many people saying that they have chicks that do fine in -30 or even lower temps without heat.
Without having a necropsy done you'll probably never know what happened to the rooster. There are any number of things that could have contributed...advanced age, worms, mites, infection, low weight or obesity, heart condition, etc. A healthy, fully feathered bird should have no problem at 2*F. I guess that part of keeping birds 'naturally' is expecting some loss...just like in the wild, the old, weak, sick die first.
Sorry for your loss...not knowing what happened is a real downside to this chicken keeping thing.

So no one can comment as to whether bantam brahmas are as nice as LF Brahmas? I saw some people mention the bantams werent as friendly or calm...
Sorry no bantams here and I don't know anyone who has both.
So no one can comment as to whether bantam brahmas are as nice as LF Brahmas? I saw some people mention the bantams werent as friendly or calm...
You really need to go to the Brahma thread and ask Tim63. He has bantams now, but has had Large fowl in the past. I wish I could help you, but have no experience with the little guys. I would guess that the hatchery L.F. are close to the same size as the breeders' Bantams, so is it space you're concerned about? Do you want a show quality Brahma? Over and over I keep reading that a lot of the chickens' personality comes from their owner. So really, you could end up with very docile birds in either case. Go ask Tim. He is so knowledgeable!

Livininbrazil, I've read about the vaseline thing, and it is supposed to protect quite well.
Bird Lady, do you(or anyone else) know of anyone who has had Darks and lights or Buffs who could compare personalities? I think I should follow my own advice and go ask on the Brahma thread!
I have had a few darks and lights and one buff hen. In my flock, the buff has always been stand-offish, the darks have been the friendliest, and the lights somewhere in between. I had a light Brahma pullet who would sit on my lap whenever I was outside. That stopped when she grew up. Now she will let me pet her but doesn't go out of her way for attention. The friendliest I have had is a dark Brahma rooster (yes, rooster). If I was outside on the swing, he was either on my lap or beside me. He came when called and never flogged or spurred us. We sold him for "big bucks" and have missed him ever since. Our dark Brahma hen, Frack, is also very friendly and tame, but doesn't like being held. She comes when called and will allow herself to be petted but complains when she's picked up.

We also have partridge Brahmas and project colors, but the darks have always been the friendliest in our flock, including two little cockerels that we have right now that love to be on my lap, maybe because it's cold out there and my lap is warm.
Omg, omg, omg!!! I love seeing pics of your chickens! You've got just the best bunch ever. Not just the great assortment, but also the house broken, well mannered. bed sharing,
lap sitting bunch. Thanks for the info, and thanks for the laugh. You made my day!
Thanks, although she doesn't share the bed any more. She fell down the stairs like a bowling ball a while back so we had to make other arrangements for her so she wouldn't hurt herself. She's getting to old for the stairs. This is in our living room -
Thanks, although she doesn't share the bed any more. She fell down the stairs like a bowling ball a while back so we had to make other arrangements for her so she wouldn't hurt herself. She's getting to old for the stairs. This is in our living room -
Well that´s one funny-looking living room! ...sofa, table, chair, tv, chicken box.....
And as regards darks, etc....must depend on the strain rather than just the colour. I haven´t got darks because of the things I´ve read, maybe I´ll give them a go some time.
Vicki, you need recommendations of good suppliers of the friendly sort, then....
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So no one can comment as to whether bantam brahmas are as nice as LF Brahmas? I saw some people mention the bantams werent as friendly or calm...
I can't either I can only go off what I have seen others post and it seems to me that it depends a lot on where you get them (bloodlines) I would only assume that their small size makes them more mobile so their ability to "get away" would be greater but sorry no first hand experience.

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