Backyard Brahmas!!

Thank you, trueblue :)

Took the peeps out for some Easter sunshine and an introduction to the compost pile...





Too precious...
I would say the first picture are the buffs. I have 12- 10 week old buffs and as tiny chicks they looked like yours. As for the second picture I'd say Dark but that's a guess really. Have fun with them, I know I have.
Welcome to the thread.
They all look buff to me.
Here you go, pictures of the 7 week old that was injured and the 4 weeks olds. The little one in the food tray is the runt of the coop, 1/2 the size of all of the rest. I think it is a cockerel, but I think the rest are pullets. Let me know what you think.

Beautiful little pullet. I agree with you about the runt. I have a young cockerel that has similar breast colouring as your last one here. He started out looking like a partridge. His face is a bit mankey as he got fowlpox, but he´s getting better now. I think his colours are really interesting.
They all look buff to me.
Beautiful little pullet. I agree with you about the runt. I have a young cockerel that has similar breast colouring as your last one here. He started out looking like a partridge. His face is a bit mankey as he got fowlpox, but he´s getting better now. I think his colours are really interesting.
I love the color and the patterns! Can't wait to see what he looks like when he's all grown up!
I also got a dozen from TS that are 6 weeks old now. Mine looked the same as yours, some were light and some were dark. Now that they have feathers they look pretty much the same. I can't tell which ones were the darker ones.
they look to be all buff, I have heard people claim that the darker ones are the roo and the lighter ones are hens. I have proven that theory wrong at least once in the past. It is hard to keep track after their feathers start coming in. Never the less you have buffs in both pics. I have a brooder full of the same mixed colors and I know they are buffs.
Hey guys, question for you. Hubby and I are interested in this breed and are looking for some advice. We live in Florida where the weather can be pretty darned hot. Do any of you live in a similar climate and if you do how well do these guys tolerate heat?

Appreciate the information. Thank you :)
Hey guys, question for you. Hubby and I are interested in this breed and are looking for some advice. We live in Florida where the weather can be pretty darned hot. Do any of you live in a similar climate and if you do how well do these guys tolerate heat?

Appreciate the information. Thank you :)

We live just north of Tampa and have mostly Brahmas. As long as there is plenty of shade and, of course, plenty of water, we have had no problems. They hang out in the back yard under the shrubs in the worst heat and dig craters to get to the cool dirt. Their favorite part of the back yard looks kind of like the surface of the moon!

Forgot to say WELCOME!
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Okay thank you!! That helps a lot. And thanks for the welcome :)

LOL @ the craters. I have a horse that does that just because! Good to know I can look forward to more. At least they'll be smaller ;)

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