Backyard Brahmas!!

body looks like cockerel, but do you have a closeup of the comb?

Here is close ups of the comb


My older brahma chicks just love "taking care of" the younger or smaller chicks. I've never seen chicks that act so much like a broody hen at such a young age. As far as the jumping and fighting at each other, mine do that too, but then settle down as they mature (the young cockerels do it much more than the young pullets, but they both do it). Mine have a huge brooder. So, I think it is normal behavior for some of them (I have breeder lines not hatchery). Mine have never picked on one to the bloody point though, so it is probably a good idea that you separated Chewy. I do integrate all of my young ones at 4 weeks, as soon as they have enough feathers to keep themselves warm at night.
Its nice to get feedback about the jumping and fighting. This might be an innate behavior. I found another small wound on Chewie's belly close to her stomach, I noticed a little blood on one of her feathers and found a bluish painful spot in between some of her feathers on her stomach. I am worried now, whether she has some bleeding disorder otherwise I don't see why she has these multiple bleeding spots. When I see bleeding, its just oozing not flowing. Clueless here because she otherwise is running around fine and happy. It seems like I will have to keep her with the Legbars for at least next couple of days.
Here is close ups of the comb



Hmmm. I'm still leaning towards cockerel. My L Brahma pullet feathered out much quicker than the boys, and she has no comb to speak of. Out of my 5 boys, they all have stumpy tails like that one, and only 3 of them have massive red combs already. The other 2 boys are developing slower.

Of course, it's just a guess from my limited experience. Either way, You'll know for sure within the next 2 weeks.
Moving our six weeks olds into their coop this weekend! I don't think it's supposed to get below 55 any night soon. Would it be a good idea to put a heat lamp in the coop at night? I'll post pics later!
Lol. Kurt Crowbain. I love it!!!!

Ok dumb question time. Since we've been looking at this breed for meat/eggs we'd like to free range them as much as possible. We have Silkies that are locked up 24/7 like Fort Knox. Do hawks bother full grown Brahmas much or are they big enough the hawks would look elsewhere? I've seen the hawks with small rodents etc. but not with large birds so I'm kind of clueless on this part of it

Thanks for the help
Good idea to see what types of hawks you have. they have different prey preferences. We have 3 hawks that hang around here and they don't bother the birds at all. All my birds are white and range in a tilled field for a good part of the year so I know they can see the chickens. I think the rabbit population keeps them fat and happy.
Moving our six weeks olds into their coop this weekend! I don't think it's supposed to get below 55 any night soon. Would it be a good idea to put a heat lamp in the coop at night? I'll post pics later!
They will huddle together for warmth. I don't like to get mine dependent on supplemental warmth unless it is below freezing. If the weather suddenly turns, or gets damp, you can always move the heat lamp then if you see that they need it. Just keep an eye on them. I move mine at 4 weeks, they still don't have all of their feathers at that point, but they are usually able to keep themselves warm. Supposed to be in the 90s here this weekend, I may just move some chicks out.
Usually by six weeks I see the start of red wattles in the cockerels.  That's why I say pullet, but I've been wrong before and will probably be wrong again.  Keep us posted!  :D

Thank you I I'll let you guys know. I defiantly will be super happy if s/he is a pullet. I believe Roxy will have to be rehomed if s/he is a cockerel.

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