Backyard Brahmas!!

Thankyou for the information. I will try to post a better picture of his comb. It looks like it has 3 small bumps in the front, then a bit of a space then 3 more. lol I understand there are only certain colors that are "recognized" by the APA, but that doesn't mean others don't exist. This particular breeder is in South Carolina (Dani Morales) "Brahma" sells his Brahmas on RBA and eggs on Ebay--both breeds. Fact he is one of the most popular sellers on RB
Well the Cochin was used to create the English Orpingtons, this is why some still may have feathered legs. The breeder Sells his birds on RBA as "brahma2010" I believe thats his user name on RBA and he sells both breeds English Orpingtons and Brahmas. His Name is Dani Morales and he's in South Carolina. He has Light, buff, black, lavender, lavender columbian (I think is what they call it) and dark. That I'm aware of. Oh and maybe blue?

here is a picture of my Brahma's comb (I think I will call him "bambam" ) hahahaha
It looks to me mostly like a pea comb, which is good. It looks a little like it might end up being a tweener (that's my own word for in between)
Probably should post this either on the project thread or on the breeders thread, but this thread has more action than the others.

What color is this? How did this color happen? If this is bred to either gold partridge or dark, what could be expected? @big medicine will probably know.

Pullet, about 2 months old, thunderstorm coming in so excuse the messy windblown feathers:

Edited to fix the color on the pictures.

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Anyone know what the nare color on a light brahma is supposed to be?
I have 4 hatchery grade light brahma's, 2 are 2 1/2 yo and the other 2 are 3mo.
The older birds have red combs, wattles, earlobes, faces.
The younger ones had were pinkish but one of them has turned dark in the nare and comb and I think the other may be staring to go darker in the nare too.

Just wondered if anyone knows why and what they 'should' be....just funky gene from hatchery...or other problem?

Darker comb and nare

Lighter comb but nare going dark
Probably should post this either on the project thread or on the breeders thread, but this thread has more action than the others.

What color is this? How did this color happen? If this is bred to either gold partridge or dark, what could be expected? @big medicine will probably know.

Pullet, about 2 months old, thunderstorm coming in so excuse the messy windblown feathers:

Edited to fix the color on the pictures.

WOW, shes a beauty
What is this about insults to hatchery chickens? Isnt that pretty much where anyone starts to be sure if they have the right breed? I cant see starting with $100 dollar birds. I would like to play around with some breeding but I want it to be my plans not someone elses. Birds should suit me not some 'fashionista'. :)

Amen!!!! I love my birds, and I label them EXACTLY what the hatchery sold them as.... Just like with people sometime we throw an off child somewhere in the family, and we love them no less, an would never say they are not FULL... I would know since my whole house is black headed and my daughter is blonde like my sister, doesn't make er not fully ours, lets toss her back....grrr... No offense to anyone just making a point. I love what and who I love because I (me me me me) love them...

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