Backyard Brahmas!!


I wanted to post a picture of my new cockerel. I believe he might be somewhat Brahma. I adopted him and the owner was not sure to what he is. From what I have read I am hoping he is...I think he will make a wonderful addition. I am curious to how the mating will work out...he is one big boy. Next to my standard! Thanks

This a sweet Brahma pullet I did have..A hawk took her from us a month ago. She was only 3 months old. Loved my sweet butter..
Your handsome cockerel does look like a cross. Is it possible he's part white Plymouth Rock?

Sorry you lost your little pullet! They really are sweet, calm birds. Any chance of getting another like her?
I got a couple shots of my camera hog today.. He made me. He's so hard to get a shot, you have to distract him from trying to climb into your lap lol.


I had posted a pic of this guy back in the late summer before I knew it was a he and I thought I would update on him. I'm so exvited, he is a pretty roo and I can't wait to see him fully filled out. He is my first of this breed but he won't be the last. He needs some girlfriends! Lol
I had posted a pic of this guy back in the late summer before I knew it was a he and I thought I would update on him. I'm so exvited, he is a pretty roo and I can't wait to see him fully filled out. He is my first of this breed but he won't be the last. He needs some girlfriends! Lol
Look at him, handsome! Biggest trouble I've had with some otherwise good-looking partridge boys is color bleed in the breast. Looks like you'll be good there. Blue is fast becoming my favorite color for the partridge boys. :)
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I had someone give me a light Brahma along with a black Jersey Giant. I have nicknamed the Brahma Big Bertha as she is huge and is about 11 lbs. I was told she was 1 1/2 years old. She doesn't lay all that much- maybe 2-3 eggs a week, but she is a big fluff butt and the only chicken my daughter can actually pick up, hug and carry around- basically she is just too big to run away quickly enough. Once she is picked up she becomes very docile and sweet and seems to like being held. She had a problem with one of my Easter Eggers and would only break that one's eggs, but has seemed to calm down now and it appears she isn't breaking any eggs any longer.

My question is 10-11 lbs normal for a light brahma hen? Does she need to go on a diet? She is the funniest thing when she runs- her chest bounces up and down and she almost does waddle with those big feathery feet. The Jersey is huge as well, probably a good 1/2 lb bigger and a bit taller, but she runs just as fast as my little easter egger hens. I guess I'm just worried she is too fat and it isn't healthy for her.

I don't overfeed treats- a handful of meal worms or black oil sunflower seeds a day or some greens if I have them on hand. I also let them free range the yard all day, and I have layer feed and oyster shell available all day as well. The Brahma doesn't seem to eat any more than any of the other 3 birds, and much less than the Jersey does, who does live up to her breed as she really is a giant. I am just curious as to how big the Brahma hens actually get.

This is Bertha checking out the just built outdoor nest box (my jersey refuses to use the next box in the coop lol)

And this is a very poor pic taken through the window just this week- the Jersey & Brahma like to hang out on my porch and peck at the glass to see if it is meal worm time- and this on a day that is below zero:

These pics don't do them justice as they don't look that big in the pictures, but they are really big birds. My neighbor thought I had roosters until I explained they were just very big hens. When it's a little warmer out I'll have to go take clearer pics.
Look at him, handsome! Biggest trouble I've had with some otherwise good-looking partridge boys is color bleed in the breast. Looks like you'll be good there. Blue is fast becoming my favorite color for the partridge boys. :)

Thank you!! I am so ready for spring so I can get him some friends!!
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