Backyard Brahmas!!

Yes, vickis girls that is what I was trying to say. I have heard that some hens will starve to death but I have never witnessed it or know anyone who has. Most broodies still eat, drink, and defecate. Its just on a very limited basis.

This may be harsh, but in my opinion if their will to survive isnt strong enough to keep them from starving, then I don't want their genetics in my flock.

Some hens do seem to have a disconnect in their brains. A Splash Orpington hen, daughter of my own late rooster, Suede, is one. She was continuously broody but refused to sit on eggs, nor would she ever accept chicks. She sat under my friend's porch, had to be hauled out repeatedly. She would not break up, no matter what was done to her. This went on and on and on, literally months on end. After a very long time, she seemed to snap out of it, but would do it again. She recently passed away from multiple strokes, we both feel as a result of the damage done to her body over time of these prolonged and odd broody periods.

I myself had a hen who went broody, a Buff Orp, within one month of onset of lay and we didn't have a rooster at the time. We tried everything to break her up, literally got her off the nest by force to eat and drink, but she must not have been eating as we thought she was. About Day 20 of this nonsense, she had trouble standing, her head would list backwards, eyes glazed. On advice of a long time breeder, we squeezed vitamin E capsules into her mouth and forced water into her with a syringe. In a couple of days, she began to snap out of it, but without intervention, she would have died. She went on later to go broody one more time, hatched two chicks and insisted on taking care of the 25 chicks in the brooder pen (three weeks old at the time) in addition to her own. She lived to be 6 1/2 and never went broody a third time.
I [/URL] Days 1, 2 and 3 How can you not love that face? Days 6, 8 and 11 very friendly, calm and curious [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] Days 14, 19 and 24 snuggles and feather growing One month, 5 weeks, and yesterday Really looking like a little Brahma Anyone have name suggestions?
Love her face!!! So cute!! I think these would be good names for her... Winter Summer Snowflake (I have a Cochin named Marshmalllow) Tundra Lacey Hope you like them!
Love her face!!! So cute!!
I think these would be good names for her...
(I have a Cochin named Marshmalllow)

Hope you like them!

Thanks Violet and thank you for the suggestions. I like Winter and Tundra, though ultimately it will be my husband's decision, I am making lists. These also work for my son's White Rock chick he picked out to be a "snow chicken" I've given him lots of winter themed suggestions but he doesn't know yet. Has anyone given their Brahma's Asian, Indian, Inuit or any warrior inspired names? My husband mentioned the warrior thing to me, I think just that she is big and he imagines her kicking butt. I know Brahmas were improved from birds imported from Shanghai, though the name is Indian and the light ones at least remind me of Eskimos or other northern people, especially as chicks.
Thanks Violet and thank you for the suggestions. I like Winter and Tundra, though ultimately it will be my husband's decision, I am making lists. These also work for my son's White Rock chick he picked out to be a "snow chicken" I've given him lots of winter themed suggestions but he doesn't know yet. Has anyone given their Brahma's Asian, Indian, Inuit or any warrior inspired names? My husband mentioned the warrior thing to me, I think just that she is big and he imagines her kicking butt. I know Brahmas were improved from birds imported from Shanghai, though the name is Indian and the light ones at least remind me of Eskimos or other northern people, especially as chicks.
I named my first light brahma rooster, Shiro, which means white in Japanese, cause he was plain white as a chick. Not that creative but after he became aggressive, we just called him demon chicken, and his son who also became aggressive was demon chicken child jr the second. The rooster was sold to be put over white rocks, and the cockerel was given away for meat.
autumnhearth, I'm so envious. I really miss the chicks. The lights are precious, and if I could do it all over again, that's all I would have.

bumpercarr, thanks for all of the great info. I'll look into that broody hen thread. I don't want more chickens, and I can't imagine anyone wanting to buy this nasty hen.

S.D. Are you saying that she won't starve to death? Someone told me this morning that broody hens can be so stubborn that they'll set on unfertile eggs until they die of starvation. I opened the lid of the nest box and tried to push her out with a big plastic pancake turner but she just squaked and pushed right back, so I think I'll just leave her alone and see what happens.

Thanks everyone!
Jryan, it helped here.
I named my first light brahma rooster, Shiro, which means white in Japanese, cause he was plain white as a chick. Not that creative but after he became aggressive, we just called him demon chicken, and his son who also became aggressive was demon chicken child jr the second. The rooster was sold to be put over white rocks, and the cockerel was given away for meat.
Bummer about the evil roosters, but I do think that is a nice name. Brahma over White Rocks should make really nice table birds.
Ok so I have laced brahma eggs hatching right now. The colors include Buff Laced, Gold Laced, Silver Laced, Black Laced Red,Blue Laced Red, Blue Laced Gold, so is this chick buff laced or white? Probably cant tell yet, but thought I would ask.

The farm I got the eggs from also have white brahma running in their laced pen.

And the other three currently hatched. They look lighter than my gold laced did, so Im hoping they are blue laced.

Ok so I have laced brahma eggs hatching right now. The colors include Buff Laced, Gold Laced, Silver Laced, Black Laced Red,Blue Laced Red, Blue Laced Gold, so is this chick buff laced or white? Probably cant tell yet, but thought I would ask. The farm I got the eggs from also have white brahma running in their laced pen. And the other three currently hatched. They look lighter than my gold laced did, so Im hoping they are blue laced.
Nice! I wish that we had those feather patterns.

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