Backyard Brahmas!!

If you figure it out please let me know! What happened?
Just lost our home in GA, had to move in w/ fam in FL...asked family to make sure it was ok that we bring our critters (chickens) & all the neighbors said it was here..all chickens safe & sound which is a miracle in the neighbor next to us is griping about the chickens..saying they are keeping her up, blah blah..we live RIGHT next to a major road..there is NO way the roosters are making as much noise as that road..anyway, she's called the Hume Society, Code Enforcement, Fish & Game, etc...of course there's no law against chickens or roosters here, so I'm in the clear with that..have my permits for my exotics, on & so fourth...BUT she's still being sooo nasty...her son starting yelling at me saying he was going to beat my a--. IDk what to do..I'm afraid to leave my chickens alone, afraid i'll come home & find them killed..I called the police & got a no trespass on her son..but I don't know what else to do..anyone else have this problem?? It's making me sick to think something might happen to my guys or I might have to get rid of them for some stupid reason...I don't think she's going to stop...sorry, just had to vent....
Just lost our home in GA, had to move in w/ fam in FL...asked family to make sure it was ok that we bring our critters (chickens) & all the neighbors said it was here..all chickens safe & sound which is a miracle in the neighbor next to us is griping about the chickens..saying they are keeping her up, blah blah..we live RIGHT next to a major road..there is NO way the roosters are making as much noise as that road..anyway, she's called the Hume Society, Code Enforcement, Fish & Game, etc...of course there's no law against chickens or roosters here, so I'm in the clear with that..have my permits for my exotics, on & so fourth...BUT she's still being sooo nasty...her son starting yelling at me saying he was going to beat my a--. IDk what to do..I'm afraid to leave my chickens alone, afraid i'll come home & find them killed..I called the police & got a no trespass on her son..but I don't know what else to do..anyone else have this problem?? It's making me sick to think something might happen to my guys or I might have to get rid of them for some stupid reason...I don't think she's going to stop...sorry, just had to vent....
Sometimes, giving them fresh eggs once a week will help. My cocks are crowing all day long, my neighbor loves it, he'll even keep an eye on them when I'm out of town just to make sure the housesitter is taking good care of them. But, I give them fresh eggs, I introduce them to my chickens, I show him around and talk to him about my projects. Maybe that would help, maybe not.

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