Backyard Brahmas!!

I wouldn't get rid of him just yet. Comb/face isnt red enough for me to be 100% sold on male.
Thanks for answering me
the suspense is killing me tee hee. He/she is really a beautiful bird and feathered out very nicely, and someone mentioned the short stubby tail as an idicator but his smaller almost positively pullet sister has the same exact length tail and really is feathered out almost the same except for his fabulous feet and she does not look so fluffy because she is skin and bones. (hers is the tail behind his)

she is in front and he/she is in back. I am hoping when I ask at the city they say "there is no rooster restiction" I have searched and searched and not found one.
Big Medicine you have such beautiful birds! I pray some day I can get stock from a breeder. My Brahmas are doing well, except one is somewhat lame. She walks but limps. I can't find a break in her legs or any injury to her. She stays inside on her own and she still is laying. The other birds do not attack her and she cuddles with several other birds. I don't know what else to do with her but make sure her quality of life keeps improving. Any ideas from anyone?
Big Medicine you have such beautiful birds! I pray some day I can get stock from a breeder. My Brahmas are doing well, except one is somewhat lame. She walks but limps. I can't find a break in her legs or any injury to her. She stays inside on her own and she still is laying. The other birds do not attack her and she cuddles with several other birds. I don't know what else to do with her but make sure her quality of life keeps improving. Any ideas from anyone?
One of my Buff Orpingtons got over zealously hereded down our very steep hill a couple months ago by my dog, which resulted in a bad crash landing on the bottom of the hill. She would not put any weight on it for at least a week. She was already at the bottom of the pecking order (though she is my biggest bird) but has a friend that is very tolerant of her so she still had a warm body to cuddle with. I just babied her for a couple weeks, taking her down off the roost in the morning so she would not have to land hand feeding her treats so she didn't miss out, etc. She just started scratching in the dirt a couple days ago and the limp is going. At the time I did an inspection but everything seemed in place so I decided to just wait it out and see. It must have just been some soft tissue damage, she still is stiff in the morning and limps for a few steps but overall is back to normal after the 2 months.
New march thank you for your response. My girl now named Big G, yeah for gimp, has been like this for over 3 months. I don't know if she landed wrong from the roost or the nesting box. She never went on the roost much to start with. But she has improved since it happened I just wish I knew what exactly the problem is.
That is where I think Cinnamons injury was. I know this sounds ridiculously excessive but I actually gave her a little leg massage every couple days. Massage brings increased blood flow which aids in healing. I think that plus limiting any further aggrevation by reducing her having to jump off things is what resulted in her lower heal time. I am a big proponent of massage and use it for my animals a lot. My dog just injured something in her leg/hip area as well, to the point of yelping and not being able to go upstaris or jump up on anything. Assisting her upstairs, massage for a few days and some low dose aspirin for a few days and she is healing very quickly.
Edit to say "man I sound like such a nature/hippe chick these days" lol.
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