Backyard Brahmas!!

Came home to one of my Brahmas in full blown heatstroke
She is cooled down and resting in the nice cool basement. Hoping she makes it through. Wondering why it affected her and no one else but I doubt ill ever know. Plenty of shade and fresh wind today probably part of the problem. Darn weather!!
I had the same problem last week with one cock bird. He was the only one that had the problem. Hosed him down, but left him with the flock to see if he'd make it. It was touch and go overnight, but he bounced back the next day.

I've put some misters in the runs to help with the heat....
Are brahmas aggressive? Because I have one brahma rooster already and a chick that's starting to look more like a rooster. Iv never had two roosters. Any advice

I had 2 males and 10 females that hatched together. They did well together. There was clearly an alpha. But it worked out. They did get a little aggressive during their "coming of age" stage. I would pick them up and tuck them under my arm. They learned to avoid me.
Are brahmas aggressive? Because I have one brahma rooster already and a chick that's starting to look more like a rooster. Iv never had two roosters. Any advice
I find that as they are reaching sexual maturity they tend to be a little aggressive....not really hurting anything, but sometimes will peck at my pants leg or shoes. I also just reach down and pick them up or else give them a swat....either one teaches them that you are always the alpha in the flock. Not nearly as aggressive as most other breeds, if one ever draws blood or hurts a child they would be headed to freezer camp at the next opening.
I had a hatchery brahma rooster, that was supposed to be a sexed pullet. He was mean. He would fly at you with his spurs, we finally got rid of him after he ripped two of the hen's sides open by over breeding them, even when they had saddles on. His spurs were blunt and only half an inch long, but they would still get you through jeans, a good couple of kicks sent him away, I hated doing it, but I don't want to be spurred. His one male offspring was aggressive too. I don't believe that is the norm though, especially with good stock.
I had the same problem last week with one cock bird.  He was the only one that had the problem.  Hosed him down, but left him with the flock to see if he'd make it.  It was touch and go overnight, but he bounced back the next day.

I've put some misters in the runs to help with the heat....
I believe had I found mine sooner she would've had a better outcome. Glad your boy is doing good!!
My "for really" Buff Brahmas, otherwise known as "The Tinys because they are the youngest. Unusual to get all 8 of them sitting so still for a photo op! On the ground under them are a few of the Littles, the older chicks. A couple of Light Brahmas in that mix.


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